I'm new here

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone, my name is Elizabeth I'm new here..I have only had diabetes type 2 for about a year now. In November last year I had a gastric bypass, I have lost 7 stone and though I don't have high levels of diabetes now I do get very low levels, where I shake a lot and feel like I will pass out and I'm totally out of control of my own body. I wake up in the night like it too and sweating really quite badly. My diabetes nurse says there isn't a lot they can do about it, and I'm to control it with food, which since the op can be difficult. Has any one got any ideas that might help ?
Hi Elizabeth, welcome to the forum 🙂 That's a dramatic weight loss, and good to hear that it has improved your blood sugar levels. Are you on any medication for your diabetes and do you have access to a blood testing meter? What levels are you at when you get these symptoms? They certainly sound like low blood sugar symptoms, but it's possible that they are not 'hypos' - levels below 4 mmol/l and potentially danngerous - but levels lower than your body/brain are used to, so you get these symptoms.

The best way to treat them is to have something sugary. It doesn't need to be much, just a jelly baby of two if you are able to eat those OK, or a few sips of full sugar coke or other soft drink (not diet), which will raise your levels. In time you should become more used to the lower levels and the symptoms will not be as dramatic. Have to say that your nurse was not very helpful!
Hi withiebabe. Welcome 🙂

I'm guessing you're not on any meds and control by diet and exercise ?

Well done for losing the 7 stone. Have you ever tested your blood glucose when you feel low ?

There are a few possible causes and the "control it with food" from your nurse sounds a very lazy answer from her.

Hopefully we can give you a few more options to try or to at least go back to her and suggest. She may even learn something.🙂

Welcome to the forums Witchiebabe 🙂
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