I'm looking for some community and support.

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Bernie Lomax

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
After I was first diagnosed with diabetes, about eight years ago, I discovered this forum and had a meaningful experience. I apologize that I don't remember the original username I was working with at the time. So I started a new account. I chose the pseudonym, Bernie Lomax, the lovable dead guy from the 80s comedy film, Weekend at Bernie's. It represents a beloved era of my youth, when carbohydrates were presented to me, ad nauseam, without immediate consequences. What a time to be alive, even while I was setting up the groundwork to eventually cause serious challenges that could lead to my demise! But as I approach my fiftieth year, in a month, I want to gain control over my diabetes and ultimately my life, and could use some kindness and support, especially when there are no therapy appointments available for the next six months because not just me, but everyone is off kilter in a pandemic and taxing the mental health system!

I scored a recent A1C of 9.1, which is unfortunate, but I am determined to turn it around. I am from America, and not sure if the UK uses the same scoring system. My endocrinologist classifies me as a Type 2, but thinks I may be more in a MODY subcategory that has yet to be defined based on the fact that I was tested genetically for the current classifications and do a lot of the "right things" as far as my diet and exercise are concerned.

Another big thing about me, I'm in remission from Lymphoma (cancer) and just had another clear scan, which is a tremendous relief and gift. So I really want to do my best to work with what I've got to value this life experience at the moment and for the long term if possible. Thank you for reading this. I hope everyone has a New Year filled with all the good things.
Morning @Bernie Lomax, welcome back to the forum. I've looked it up, and your HbA1c of 9.1 would be 76 mmol/mol in British units. Sorry to hear you're not getting the support you want from your medical providers with your diabetes. Good news about your remission with lymphoma.
Are you on any medication for your diabetes? Do you monitor your blood glucose at all at home?
What are you eating in your diet? There's foods that'll put your blood glucose up loads, some that will somewhat, and ones that won't.
I've tried to mostly not eat bread, potatoes, chips/crisps, rice, pasta and other carbohydrate rich food as well as stopping eating cakes, biscuits/cookies, sweets/candies and chocolate so that my body doesn't have to deal with as much carbohydrate which it would otherwise convert into glucose. Low carb works for me, but I appreciate other people do other things with their diets. I'm also eating low calorie as I'm trying to lose weight. Lost 19lbs so far, but still a long way to go.
Can you see what other T2s eat by looking on the What did you eat yesterday? thread and get some ideas there?
Anyhow, welcome aboard, ask any questions and we'll try and answer them as best we can.
Hello Bernie and welcome, or welcome back to the forum

Yes, we use a different system in Britain for measuring A1C, and a different description too - HbA1c
I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than myself will come along with a conversion factor, or you could use Google
I'm not too sure with MODY either

But in the meantime, have a look at this YouTube channel - 'Beat Diabetes'
It is run by an American pastor, Dennis Pollock and is very positive and cheerful, covering a wide range of diabetes related topics

You can also look through older Threads on this forum, there is a lot of advice & experience

Go to this website - www.cookingbites.com
Then Forums. At the bottom of the list of Forums there is 'Tips and Tricks For Using the Forum'
On it you will find a comparison of culinary terms - USA to UK, and UK to USA

And it's easy enough to find a conversion between Fahrenheit and Celsius or Centigrade, and weights such as stones, pounds, ounces, grams, and kilograms
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Welcome to the forum @Bernie Lomax. The number you said for your HbA1C is in the old units that were used a few years back and is the 76mmol/mol this @Windy said. If you do tell as any of your finger prick numbers we will have to convert them as the American system is mg/dl and the system here is mmol/L so it may take us longer to respond. Well done for being in remission of Lymphoma
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