I'm in love with my pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I know that I've only had it for 24 hours but I've managed to learn how nearly everything works on the hand control. I've already done a multiwave, extended wave and two temp basals. I've set up all of the alarms for my tests and my average BG for the past 24 hours has been 7.5 rather than my normal 9.8. I'm truly at those heady early stages of being in love....but I'm not wearing rose tined glasses because I know we will sometimes fall out...and I will struggle with the more practical things such as putting the insulin in the reservoir but I am a very happy bunny:D
Glad to hear you are happy Amanda.
Do be warned though after a few days things will start to go a bit heywire as the basal starts to need tweaking. Then it will be a love hate relationship until sorted.
Also good for you for working out how it works 🙂 Many people do not seem to have this ability 🙄

Don't forget, we're here when you is stumped.

Please DO come back and report on your first set change! ROFL
Great news Amanda!

Long may your early successes continue 🙂

... and remember what this feels like if/when you go through a bad patch. I genuinely think it has taken me a full year to begin to feel properly on top of things (and I'm having a slightly frustrating week right now!)
Thankyou everyone it's so good of you to share your experiences and support because it keeps me calm when things don't go right.. Already had some problems this afternoon with it going to 16 two hours after a meal but I'm staying calm and have got it down to 9, thank goodness! TW I didn't realise that you were meant to roll on the floor laughing when doing a set change....please can you explain that technique:D
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