I'm bad

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This evening i have devoured fish and chips, mushy peas, TWO mars bars and a bacardi breezer. How bad is that, i feel sooooooooo guilty now. :(
Say three hail marys, a how's your father and write out 100 times "I must share my chips".
Seriously though, we all stray from time to time, don't beat yourself up over it. The changes this disease demands of us aren't easy to stick to and that's where we come in. We're here to encourage you when it gets tough.
Say three hail marys, a how's your father and write out 100 times "I must share my chips".

LOL, i am just a bit dissapointed with myself. I have been doing so well until today. Never mind i shall make an extra special effort from tomorrow onwards.
This evening i have devoured fish and chips, mushy peas, TWO mars bars and a bacardi breezer. How bad is that, i feel sooooooooo guilty now. :(

Hope they were the fun size bars.
Not sure about the mushy peas - how could you!
I had fish and chips with curry sauce and mushy peas yum mmmmmmmm lol :D
for lunch I had a very greasy cheese burger and chips, for dinner a pizza, and mucho vino rosso!
We all stray sometimes, so please don't feel guilty abou it. If we didn't have treats sometimes we'd all go a little crazy. There is always another day.

Try to aim for a treat at least once a week, and a treat can be anything from fish & chips with mushy peas to a new CD or a nice pair of shoes. I am waiting to finish my antibiotics so that I can have a glass of wine with my dinner!
I was deeply envious, but on reflection, i don't think i could have eaten two mars bars before i was diabetic....Even my sugar-chocoholism has limits...the bacardi breezer would deffinatley have finshed me off...unless it was watermelon...mmmmmm.
It sounds like you're fine, which is great and means as folks have said that you shouldn't feel bad about it. But if if ate that, i'd either be on an insulin drip or have my head down the loo (or maybe both). Hope you enjoyed every second of it. ;-)

This made me laugh - and reminded me of battered mars bars - yummy - but absolutley no good for diabetics and actually not available very many places.

anyway we decided the other day to give our son biscuits even when he shouldn't have had them cos the place and people we were with it just wasn't worth the temper tantrum battle - so i know the guilty feeling as well.

and back to it as before,
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