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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all. After some advice for my mum who is insulin dependent diabetic. Over Christmas she has had a bad stomach off and on for 4 days. She has only had a bowl of cereal since Friday morning. We stopped giving her insulin yesterday as we were worried that she was having too much insulin and no food going in. At lunchtime today I gave her her insulin and eventually managed to get her to eat a round of Danish bread toast. She is very sleepy and seems more confused than normal. I honestly don't know what to do. Do I ring 111 for advice? Should she still have her insulin? Her blood sugars are currently between 5 and 8. She seems to have given up.
Aww sorry your Mum is feeling rubbish.

A wee call to 111 might be what's needed overall, esp if she is sleepy and confused (which could very well be be unrelated to insulin and blood glucose).

Is your Mum type 1 or type 2? Do you know what insulin(s) she is on?
If she is sleepy and confused you need to ring 111 for advice. If her blood sugars are between 5 and 8 and you’re checking a few times per day then it doesn’t sound related to her diabetes.

Normally when I’ll you would still take the long acting insulin, but it will depend on what type she normally takes.
Definitely phone 111 for advise @Phips1234 There could be a number of causes but as your mum is on insulin and clearly not herself, I think you need medical input. I hope you get some support soon and that your mum is soon back to her usual self.
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