Illness/ stress effect on BG


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I started a cold the Monday before last. It progressed from sore throat sniffles to lots of snot and hacking cough. The first Saturday after my stomach sounded as though water was sloshing everywhere and I was expelling gas both ends ending with 1am on the toilet more than an hour and looked like I had had an enema it's the first cold I've had since last winter and worst I've had for years. Have now got cough medicine and yesterday some nasal spray as cheek and top teeth feel bruised possible sinusitis. Does it rake longer to overcome a cold as a diabetic? I don't always test at the moment but have found my readings variable. Today I woke up and didn't feel like breakfast. I ate a tiny piece of cheese left over from making cauli cheese and had a coffee. At 12 I decided to walk to local cafe when I got in I tested and was 9.3. I had a sandwich and a pumpkin spiced latte which was very sweet. I tested two hours later and was 9.2 . Why are the readings so similar? My readings during the cold have varied between 5.2 and 10.2. During this time I've started on a statin and had 3 episodes of diarrhoea. Is it a good idea to continue to test when you are unwell?
@Inka, I too wondered whether it could be covid.
Regardless, unless I had to leave the house, I would try to limit any opportunity to pass on my lurgy and would stay home until I felt better. I think one of the few “good” things that may have come out of covid is the awareness of the risk of infecting others, especially those more vulnerable.

@saffron15 illness can raise BG. Diabetes does not necessarily mean you will take longer to recover. However, high BG can make the symptoms feel worse.
Regarding testing when ill, the usual question stands - what are you doing with the results of the test? If you are using it to make a change or take an action, the value of testing is good. If you are making a note and nothing more, it is always a waste of test strips.

I hope you feel better soon.
Take care.
@helli and @Inka thanks for your comments. It started as a cold and at no stage have I had a high temperature or chills. I did consider testing for covid. On Sunday I spoke to pharmacist as to what to take. I noticed they sold tests but had sold out. I haven't been to my Spanish class that is in a small room nor visited my sister who has health problems. I assume as it is 10 days since symptoms if it is covid I may no longer be infectious. I have throughout had all vaccines offered.
I will have another hunt for my kits which I have only used before dental appointments. If I have covid it is my first time.
@saffron15 i consider the same “isolation” for any lurgy, including a cold. An elderly person in a cafe could catch a cold and it could become far worse.
I am sure your sister and Spanish class have missed you but appreciate you keeping your germs to yourself.
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