illness recovery time?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Okay, another one.... I keep thinking that my son is maybe taking just a tad longer to recover from colds etc than he used to before diagnosis. His numbers of late are quite good -- 4 to the odd 12...but still he's had a cold with quite a sore throat for a week. No fever, and only on and off feeling grotty. All of the rest of us have had it too, but are just snuffly, no sore throat etc. I also noticed this the last time he had a cold, in Feb.

Thoughts? I've not read about longer recovery anywhere, but what's your experience?
I cant give you any facts but since having diabetes ive had so many more colds etc and they always seem to last longer than every one elses!
I'm sure I've read somewhere that diabetics are not more susceptible to catching colds or flu. Found it -

"You are no more or less likely to contract illnesses ... but if you do become il, the consequences could be more serious" (Fox and Kilvert) takes us longer to recover but we are more likely to get complications (Hanas and Fox) and this is why we are entitled to flu jabs. Infections also increase insulin resistance (Becker)
Sigh. Yet another downer of diabetes.... Is there anything I/we can do to help with this? Do you believe in supplements etc?

as i type this i have a cold lol , picked it up goodness knows where but felt rotten since yesterday all the usual sore throat runny nose bad temper lol and sore throat. Ahh well i got a cabinet in my bathroom full of pills and potions , i usually just get by with a nasal stick and tunes bit the sore throat is bad this time around
Sigh. Yet another downer of diabetes.... Is there anything I/we can do to help with this? Do you believe in supplements etc?


Hi Patricia, if a bloke isn't well it's man flu 🙄
Jokng apart though, the only reason it takes longer to recover is when blood sugars are not in control. Obviously if a diabetic isn't well things go a bit wonky. All E can do is test and correct whilst he has the dreaded lurgy
There is a very nasty throat/cold bug going around though that is taking forever and a day to recover from even for non diabetics.
I hope he feels better soon.

Yes it seems that if i do get ill / cold etc i do tend to take longer to recover than everyone else :( I also find that it takes longer to heal if i cut myself aswell.
i find if i do get ill it takes a lot longer to get over it than it used to (im also a rare man who doesnt get man flu). also you might find cuts and grazes take a lot longer to heal also.

if you can do make sure they get the flu jab as this will no doubt save them from the worst strains of flu in that year.
Personally I'm not convinced about supplements - if your diet is good. Think generally best thing is to try to keep blood glucose under as good control as possible and seek professional advice sooner rather than later if any problem despite my natural preference to just see how it goes
i take a one a day suppliment and also a codliver oil capsule once a day. it cant hurt to take them even tho i do have a very good diet.
All this is supporting my gut feeling... And I guess you're right Vanessa. I'm always tempted to leave it, particularly if the children aren't actually laid right out with something! Best to push on... But today once again he woke up saying his throat hurt. Seems to come and go, and he's still blowing his nose. Hasn't missed any school though.

Do you all think that the good control mentioned by Sue and Vanessa means like VERY good control -- under 7.5%? His control is much better than it was, although still having probably one number above 10 per day, rest 5-8mmols. Clearly though this isn't enough to help with the cold.

And for those of you on pumps: do you think your control is improved enough to say that your recovery/healing is improved?
lol im sure it is on here somewhere patricia. :D
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