Illness on HCL


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am feeling pretty rough today.

Before HCL I would spot a rapid rise in BG and need to start on 50% more basal and bolus.
I wouod use the rise as a good indicator of illness.
Checked temperature - top end of normal
Surprised to find BG being kept on target by HCL (I am not eating at present)
Has anyone else found that HCL is effective.

I couldn’t decide yesterday whether it was just the heat, especially as levels stayed okay,
but have got worse today.
Sorry to hear you are feeling rough Sue but great that your HCL is coping with illness for you as that is one of the times when diabetes is most challenging. Hope you feel better soon and the HCL continues to keep things in check.
Thanks all. Now on the mend after horrible stomach bug. Hermione was so helpful and took out a lot of the hassle of being ill, with no idea what was going to happen to anything I managed to eat. Stuck to sipping full sugar tonic to keep ketones at bay, and the HCL dealt with the ups and downs well.

Still working on other issues step by step, but feeling in good hands with a plan.
Thanks all. Now on the mend after horrible stomach bug. Hermione was so helpful and took out a lot of the hassle of being ill, with no idea what was going to happen to anything I managed to eat. Stuck to sipping full sugar tonic to keep ketones at bay, and the HCL dealt with the ups and downs well.

Still working on other issues step by step, but feeling in good hands with a plan.
Good to hear you are on the mend!

I haven’t yet been ill on HCL, but stomach bugs scare me a little after ending up in hospital with one last year. Could I just ask if you took any additional insulin (bolus or correction), whilst sipping drinks? And did you see any ketones at all?
I drank a lot of water, when I had a juice I told the pump the carbs and then let the pump deal with it all. I made no changes to my boluses (which I would have done in manual) and had no ketones. I still ended up with 95% TIR, until I got my appetite back, as I was so hungry and ate bigger meals for a couple of days.
That sounds amazing!

When you say you told the pump the carbs, what exactly does that mean? I’m on the Omnipod 5 and can only use the bolus calculator to give myself a bolus. Is that what you did? Or is it different on different pumps?
That sounds amazing!

When you say you told the pump the carbs, what exactly does that mean? I’m on the Omnipod 5 and can only use the bolus calculator to give myself a bolus. Is that what you did? Or is it different on different pumps?
I entered the carbs into my pump, and it then worked out my bolus (based on current SG, carbs, carb ratio and amount of active insulin) and then delivered it. I then let it do its autocorrections whilst I slept.