Illness and high blood sugar levels

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
I've got some kind of virus that's making me feel very poorly. As a result of this (I think) my blood glucose seems to have gone very high.

I inject Levomer - 20 units - in the morning and bolus with Novorapid at mealtimes. I was doing quite well, my last Hbc1a was 45. This last few days though my blood sugar hasn't fallen below 9mmole and about an hour ago was 17mmole. I'm actually eating less because I've lost my appetite.

I don't know what to do. I've also got an appointment with my diabetic Consultant on Friday and the readings I'm going to present him with are going to be very atypical. I'm wondering whether to postpone the appointment.

Sorry to sound so pathetic but I feel so worried.
I meant Lantus, not Levomer. I feel so poorly I'm getting confused :(
Don’t postpone your appointment because you’re worried about readings @DancingStar You can just explain the reason. But obviously don’t go if you’re ill or still infectious. Don’t worry about your HbA1C either. A few days of illness won’t affect it. What’s important is the present and looking after yourself during your illness.

Do you know how to do correction doses? Is it a flu-ey type illness (ie cold, sore throat, etc) or is it a stomach bug?
Sorry to hear you are feeling unwell. It is important for our consultant to see things as they are in real life rather than just when things are going well, so I would certainly not cancel for that reason and you may get some useful information on how to manage a similar situation next time you are unwell or to continue to manage this until you are back to normal. Obviously, don't go if you are too unwell or feel you might be infectious though.
This last few days though my blood sugar hasn't fallen below 9mmole and about an hour ago was 17mmole. I'm actually eating less because I've lost my appetite.

It’s not ideal but it’s ok being 9 for a few days @DancingStar 17 isn’t so good though. Had you just eaten? If it was just a spike that’s coming back down, then leave it and see what your mealtime insulin does. You should be testing for ketones though. That’s important. Have you been given Sick Day Rules? Do you know how to do correction doses?
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