Illness and blood sugar

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I've been ill for about a week with a bad cold along with ear infection.

My blood sugar readings over this time seem to be 8.5-9 most morning when normally at 6-6.5 mark.

I was on once weekly injection upto 2 months ago but have got into a place where I felt upto now that I could control my sugar levels without these injections so came off these, so am medication free atm.

I'm not sure if I need to adapt my diet to make up for sugar rise while I'm sick or that I might not be giving my body to fuel it needs to fight the infection by doing this as things been ok prior to being ill.

Have made appointment with nurse to talk about this but this is a week away, so wondered if anyone had advice in meantime.

Thank you
Hi I've been ill for about a week with a bad cold along with ear infection.

My blood sugar readings over this time seem to be 8.5-9 most morning when normally at 6-6.5 mark.

I was on once weekly injection upto 2 months ago but have got into a place where I felt upto now that I could control my sugar levels without these injections so came off these, so am medication free atm.

I'm not sure if I need to adapt my diet to make up for sugar rise while I'm sick or that I might not be giving my body to fuel it needs to fight the infection by doing this as things been ok prior to being ill.

Have made appointment with nurse to talk about this but this is a week away, so wondered if anyone had advice in meantime.

Thank you
Sorry to hear that you're unwell. No one on the forum is qualified to give medical advice but Illness and infections can both raise blood glucose.
When unwell I tend to gravitate towards beef stew - fry some bits of beef with onion in a pressure cooker, then add stock and cook ten minutes on high pressure, cool under the cold tap, throw in a bag of frozen veges and cook for a minute on low pressure, allow to cool naturally. I make up a bit of gravy powder if the liquid is really thin, enough for one serving, then add a bit of spice or herb, fill up the bowl and stir, then cover over for a little while for the flavour to develop.
Very basic but keeps the spirits up, I find
When unwell I tend to gravitate towards beef stew - fry some bits of beef with onion in a pressure cooker, then add stock and cook ten minutes on high pressure, cool under the cold tap, throw in a bag of frozen veges and cook for a minute on low pressure, allow to cool naturally. I make up a bit of gravy powder if the liquid is really thin, enough for one serving, then add a bit of spice or herb, fill up the bowl and stir, then cover over for a little while for the flavour to develop.
Very basic but keeps the spirits up, I find
Thank you will give this a try
Hopefully once you are over your infection your blood glucose will settle back again. Meantime maybe just be a bit more restrictive on your carb intake and keep your fluids up.
Infection often puts up blood glucose and certain antibiotics can have an effect as well.
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