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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

Off work sick today. I've had a bit of a cold since Thursday last week, but it seemed to be pretty mild. It got a lot worse last night, and my BG went through the roof - 18.6. It stayed there stubbornly, despite me overriding the IOB on my pump to correct, until 2am when it dropped to 11.4. Woke on 8.2 and two hours after breakfast 10.0, so a bit better this morning.

Any sickness tips? I'm scared to try an increased temporary basal because the last thing I want to be doing is tackling hypos when I'm feeling sick anyway!

Man, I feel rough.
If you start to go high you can just do temp basals for half an hour as this shouldnt make a huge difference and send you hypo - but might be enough to bring levels down - and lots of checking throughout the day. Also make sure you do eat little and often to make sure you have IOB in case you start with ketones too.🙂Bev
Oh dear, so sorry you are poorly :( I was poorly last week and had a bit of a battle, but I'm on MDI so had less control at my fingertips. I increased my lantus each night by a unit and my novorapid by about 50% at meals, but I have no idea how this translates to you and your pump. I would imagine though that your basal could be cautiously increased as you can always knock it lower fairly easily. I didn't have hypo problems until I started to recover so then it was a case of guessing how much less insulin to inject! Good luck, and I hope you are better soon 🙂
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