If one more

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Well-Known Member
If one more doctor,nurse or someone I know tells me I am strong and can "do this"
I will go f**king super nova.
I can't do this, I'm going outside for a cigarette.
How would you feel if they said the opposite - said you couldn’t do it, implied you were weak/incapable/whatever? Maybe they have the psychology wrong?

You’ve got this far, so you can, just as much any of us, muddling through this.
Always said i was going to wash my hands of the whole thing, that time has arrived and I do not care,so yes weak and incapable I am despite much encouragement
I think your assessment is wrong @spell You’ve coped with an awful lot in your life and that takes strength.
Just telling someone not to give up will not stop then giving up.
This D life sucks
Just telling someone not to give up will not stop then giving up.
This D life sucks

No, it won’t - nothing will. But please do think further. Life can seem cr*p at times but we don’t know what lies ahead. Don’t throw away the chance of happiness in the future. I know that’s very easy to say and much harder to do, but just hang on and take one day at a time.
Is it the diabetes or is the diabetes the final straw? I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but sometimes identifying the problems helps. As an example, I’m very stressed at the moment. It’s lots of things, but, having thought about it, a lot of it is my job. Just knowing that gives me something to aim at (sorting my job or finding another one) but it also made me feel better for being so stressed because there was a legitimate reason, not just me being feeble. I hadn’t really appreciated how much my job was getting to me until I went through everything systematically. Even if some had three or four things that were problems, again just identifying them and thinking about them objectively can help.
It's the diabetes and I just don't want to do it anymore, it's not the final straw it's the only straw.
It has completely defined who I am,I am no more than a diabetic
You must be more than that @spell A family member? A friend? A colleague? Don’t let the diabetes define you. There’s so much more to you - and to everyone on this forum. I know we don’t talk about it as much but this forum contains a plethora of people with different personalities, jobs, hobbies, opinions, travel experiences, funny experiences, skills.

Push the diabetes back down into its rightful place - an annoying little ***** following along behind you whinging. It’s not you.
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