Ideas what to drink?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Non alcoholic .
I am fed up with coffee it’s dehydrating . Water with lemon also dehydrating . I can have one or two mugs of red bush but doesn’t appeal .
Very thirsty , going all the time and really don’t know what to drink . Any ideas ? Coffee and red bush I like with milk . I only ever drink tea in Scotland and don’t like it with English water and no bottled Scottish water is not the same either . Well I have been told to drink but it’s so difficult . Knowing what to try .
I am fed up with coffee it’s dehydrating . Water with lemon also dehydrating
I think the coffee being dehydrating is mostly a myth, actually. No idea about water with lemon (I like water with lemon squash). Similarly tea ought to be fine.
Very thirsty , going all the time
Which hints at a possible problem, but presumably you're checking?
Have you tried herbal teas?
And I don't mean try one and think you don't like the lot. There are loads to choose from including herbal ones, fruit ones, flavoured red bush (I am currently drinking a redbush and chilli with rose ... sounds dd but tastes really good), ...

I also drink ginger infusion - grate fresh ginger into a flash. Fill up with boiling water and leave to steep for a few hours. I tend to grate too much so water it down as I drink it. It is warming and good for digestion.
Flavoured sparkling water, have you tried decaffeinated coffee or just plain cold water.
Decaffeinated doesn’t help me . I can’t go through the headaches with it and I have tried but always go back to caffeinated. Even cola decaffeinated gives it to me and some sweeteners . I will try sparkling flavoured water that does sound fun. I live in a bad water area so the cold water is not great to drink . I’m just fed up with drinking. I have a proper check next week . Then see diabetic nurse the week after. I know I have a problem because in hospital for my hip I was not drinking but producing a lot of urine then too . I tend to drink a lot to compensate or have soups and stews so lots of veg to get hydrated . Still dehydrated . So coffee is a myth but the milk is still my up in sugar intake . I might be nearing needing a tablet but was still trying without . Ideas for drinking are great Thanks
Thank you . You forget herbal/ fruit teas snd of course sparkling water. Squash is too sugary or tends to be aspartame which I’m not really good with.
I think there is some mystique in the relationship between the amount you drink and the loo visits, I could go all day without going to the loo but was up and down like a yoyo in the night. My OH had a catheter for a few months while waiting for a prostate op and seemed to produce much more than he drank, a staggering 2 litres per night.

If you are constantly thirsty that could indicate blood glucose is high.
Thank you . You forget herbal/ fruit teas snd of course sparkling water. Squash is too sugary or tends to be aspartame which I’m not really good with.
What about tea. Not fruit or herbal tea but normal tea? Does that cause the same issues for you as coffee does?
What about tea. Not fruit or herbal tea but normal tea? Does that cause the same issues for you as coffee does?
I think Nayshiftin mentioned she does not like the affect the English water has on the taste of tea so she only drinks it in Scotland.

I wonder, @Nayshiftin , have you tried using a water filter?
I think Nayshiftin mentioned she does not like the affect the English water has on the taste of tea so she only drinks it in Scotland.

I wonder, @Nayshiftin , have you tried using a water filter?
Ah, I must have misread
What about tea. Not fruit or herbal tea but normal tea? Does that cause the same issues for you as coffee does?
Just don’t like the taste of it here in England . Being a Scot the water changes it snd I drink red bush as it taste better. It’s no different from the coffee as I drink it with milk. Not a fan of black at all. No I wanted ideas as need to keep drinking and many here now have given me ideas. Thank you
I think Nayshiftin mentioned she does not like the affect the English water has on the taste of tea so she only drinks it in Scotland.

I wonder, @Nayshiftin , have you tried using a water filter?
Yes but they taste too. Somehow I have a very strong sense of smell , taste and a fussy nature. I have been given more things to try . People are kind . Yes I think sugar is higher than normal. So keep drinking , keep moving it’s all going be okay
I think there is some mystique in the relationship between the amount you drink and the loo visits, I could go all day without going to the loo but was up and down like a yoyo in the night. My OH had a catheter for a few months while waiting for a prostate op and seemed to produce much more than he drank, a staggering 2 litres per night.

If you are constantly thirsty that could indicate blood glucose is high.
You are on the ball , sugar is up . Got tests next week on the 11 th then seeing diabetic nurse a week later . I’m post surgery so moving about is increasing and off course spanking require over Christmas . Yes had extras that well let’s say will make the difference . Naughty naughty me .
Have a good browse round the drinks section of a big supermarket, there are all sorts of things - yes, herbal/fruit teas but you might see some things you could try

I've recently started on green tea. It's a bit strange at first because you're so used to tea tasting like, well, 'proper' tea, so don't give up after just one cup.
And you can get green tea flavoured with mint, honey, various spices, as well as plain
Have you tried lemon tea?

Here's something I do -

I have a pint glass, a relic of a miss spent youth. into it I put either -

lemon juice, real or plastic
cold tea, without milk or sugar
cold green tea
an egg cup full of cheap red wine

Then top it up with cold water; but try to find something to do and occupy yourself while you're drinking, like reading a book, writing letters (what were those, Daddy?), a bit of wood carving, model making, art (meaning yer actual Art, not an entire room, two coats) and so on
Or you could do the same sort of thing with a big bottle, like a 1l or 2l plastic drinks bottle. buy one - but not full sugar! - then refill it with your own drink; this will be easier to carry around with you

To some extent I drink to a plan or a schedule - cold flavoured water as above in the morning; green tea in the afternoon; and ordinary tea in the evening

I see that water with vinegar or apple cider vinegar is often suggested, but I have yet to try it myself
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You are on the ball , sugar is up . Got tests next week on the 11 th then seeing diabetic nurse a week later . I’m post surgery so moving about is increasing and off course spanking require over Christmas . Yes had extras that well let’s say will make the difference . Naughty naughty me .
Everybody thinks bottled water is exactly the same but I remember buying bottled water in Italy and thinking it tasted horrible so bought another bottle which was a different brand and looked at the mineral content and they were quite different.
I'm sure that is true of mineral waters you get here as well, so you may find a Scottish bottled water to your taste to make your tea with.
Not tried it for sometime but it does taste different . My husband is not keen as he’s English on Scottish tea. I’ve got fruit teas and I’ll look at sparkling water. I’ve been having tonic water but there must be a reason I’m dehydrated. I like the ideas here . Do it was worth the asking .
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