Icegems - funky bracelets and stuff

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes

Following on from the Icebands thread take a look at these for all those ladies out there though, They are lovely. Some of them are expensive though. However I bought Jessica this one :

and had engraved on the back the same as on her MEDICALERT necklace with her personal number and their phone number. You can then by the jewellery wire and beads and clasps off ebay or wherever cheaply and make more bracelets for silly money. It makes it a bit more fun and funky for the girlies out there.

They do really cool mens/boys ones as well.
Hi Adrienne what a pretty bracelet and i love the beautiful blue colour
i bet your daughter loves it lynne
They do look really pretty, but I'm not really a bracelet wearer. I know Aymes friend has done some really cute ones for people too.
Hi ...

I love the boys/teens/mens section ... some really cool styles ... Think I will order one for Nathan for a christmas prezzie .... :D

Hi ...

I love the boys/teens/mens section ... some really cool styles ... Think I will order one for Nathan for a christmas prezzie .... :D


Yes I think they are really cool aren't they and it is just added protection and if they like the thing they they'll wear it hopefully.
oh, i got my braclet from ICEgems for my 21st birthday, the blue surfer bracelet

I found this site last week when I was looking for one to wear in Aus. They have some really nice designs, that blue one is really cool, if only my budget stretched that far hehe. I went for a beaded bracelet from that was a bit cheaper, but I will definitely get round to making my own at some point and just use the engraved bit 🙂
Oooo love it Salmonpuff.
Yes I think they are really cool aren't they and it is just added protection and if they like the thing they they'll wear it hopefully.

Nathan has and I must admit puts his ID bracelet on without being asked .... half the battle ... He realises the importance of it ... another piece of vital equipment ... The one he has at the moment is a medic alert expandable stainless steel bracelet ... I think what the site has to offer is more cool than the one he has ... I must admit it looks a bit old for him ... so am deffo placing an order for a new one for him ... :D

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