Ice-cream based insulin breakthrough

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Scientists have developed a form of insulin delivery by incorporating tiny 'beads' of it within and ice-cream formula. The coldness of the ice-cream allows the beads to remain intact during passage through the stomach so the insulin can be absorbed through the intestine. No more needles! Unfortunately, the ice-cream based insulin is only currently available from one source, so supplies are expected to be severely limited until production can be increased.

🙂🙂🙂🙂 (and some words to allow me to post).
OK, I admit I fell for it on the 1st April 😱

I wonder how many more will look, but not admit it :D

HeHe I was confused shall we say John but got it before i posted!
You could re-post that on the facebook group for the forums so some of us can re-post it on our profiles for fun 😛🙂
Ive already emailed the surgery to get it put on to my script :D

The consultant is Mr Whippy. 🙄

Oh I wish! :D :D :D
I was sceptical when i saw so many replies to an "in the news" thread
The title was far to close to a poem inspired by a Casualty episode, that it stood out straight away.
The title was far to close to a poem inspired by a Casualty episode, that it stood out straight away.

Hehe! I thought I might catch out a few of the newer members - can you believe it's over a year since I wrote that poem? 😱
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