I wish I was a diabetic mouse

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
As I sit each morning over my toast and marmalade appraising the latest edition of The Times propped up against the teapot ? the warming scent of lapsang souchong drifting through the air ? my eye is often drawn to the latest medical developments in the wild world of diabetes research.

In general I think diabetes research is great. After all, if our old friend Fred Banting hadn?t had an interest in isolating insulin back in 1922 the readership (and, indeed, authorship) of this blog would be considerably lower than it is now.

Good content, but shame it wasn't proof read and the title changed to "If I were a diabetic mouse". Karmel's reply says what I would have done about use of mice in research.
But it's got a cute picture of a wee mouse though, eh?
I'd have dressed up as Batman, climbed a bridge and unfurled a banner declaring 'mouse rights'. They have enough on their plates (cheese, etc ?) without worrying about their blood sugars.

Give them a break, I say, and let them earn extra food from being research volunteers.

Ha ha ha! 🙂 Will no-one think of the poor mice?!
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