I want to get a pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I feel totally GUTTED i went to see my consultant yesterday about the chances of getting an insulin pump i am a type one diabetic. He told me the chances were very slim as my HBA1C is 7.9 and to stand any chance of getting a pump it needs to be above 8. I told him that although my condition is fairly well controlled at the moment it isn't always the case. Since doing the DAFNE course which i really enjoyed everytime i have a snack in between meals i need to take an injection to cover what i am eating so i can be doing up to 8 injections a day instaed of the usual 4 and it is really getting me down. After i kept on and on at him he eventually told me that he would write a letter to my PCT supporting my case but he said that it probably won't be successfull. Does any one know of any organisation that supports people like myself who wants to use a pump in case my application gets turned down.
Hi Steve

I too am on the hunt for a pump, just like you I've been told with a hba1c of 7.5% I'm too well controlled for a pump. However I'm still struggling with night time hypos and highs in the afternoon, so I'm doing what I can to convince them that a pump would benefit me.

In the first instance contact INPUT - http://www.input.me.uk/ - they will do what they can to help you in your mission!

Good luck 🙂
I'm also trying to get approved for a pump. Have also been told my control is 'too good' and that I 'deal with hypos too well' to be eligible! I'm slowly making some progress with a new consultant now so waiting to see what comes from that.... As shiv said, input is the organisation to contact.
INPUT is a very good idea. I would try to find the nearest consultant that is pro pump and look at transferring to their clinic. You need to build a case as best you can. I will have a look in my pump hand book and give you a a few things to think about. Pros and cons etc.

Hope this helps. I can't put a deadline for when I'll have this all done as I'm up to my neck in exams at the moment.
It's so annoying how things vary so much. My Hba1c was 6.9 when I was approved for my pump. They really should look beyond the end result and look in depth at the work you're having to put in to reach that number. I know I was so up and down all the time that I evened out but the highs and lows were not easy to manage. Wearing a CGM confirmed the huge fluctuations I was experiencing. Don't give up write down your reasons and back them up with evidence. I didn't need the expertise of Input but I believe they are very good. Good Luck
Look on the pumpers message board too and see what advice is there.

Good luck to everyone wanting a pump, I hope you all get one.
I feel totally GUTTED i went to see my consultant yesterday about the chances of getting an insulin pump i am a type one diabetic. He told me the chances were very slim as my HBA1C is 7.9 and to stand any chance of getting a pump it needs to be above 8.

The NICE guidence is (and I quote)

attempts to achieve target haemoglobin A1c
(HbA1c) levels with multiple daily injections
(MDIs) result in the person experiencing
disabling hypoglycaemia. For the purpose of
this guidance, disabling hypoglycaemia is
defined as the repeated and unpredictable
occurrence of hypoglycaemia that results in
persistent anxiety about recurrence and is
associated with a significant adverse effect on
quality of life
? HbA1c levels have remained high (that is,
at 8.5% or above) on MDI therapy
(including, if appropriate, the use of longacting
insulin analogues) despite a high
level of care.

You don't have to meet both criteria-its and/ or. So if you cann;t get a pump because of your HbA1c are you eligable under 'hypoglycaemia affecting quality of life' ?
Rainbow is right, there is a huge amount of regional variation. Believe INPUT is very helpful. Also seeing as your consultant is so enthusiastic ;p is there another consultant or nurse who is more sympathetic that you could get onside?
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