I think I have diabetic gastroparesis

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have not been well the past couple of months. I’ve had ambulance trips and hospital admissions that I have really found difficult emotionally. I’m so anxious that something is wrong and it’s so hard to get a face to face doctors appointment at my GP due to corona. I am scared for my health. I am having extremely strange stools and can’t stop needing the toilet all day. My blood sugars have been so unstable, I have fatty infiltration on my liver, I’ve had 4L of fluids via a drip. My stomach is extremely bloated to the point I look pregnant and is so painful. I’m 19 and struggle with mental illness I feel like due to my diagnosis they don’t rake me seriously when I tell them how much of a problem this is. I am scared for my life. Still no medication, no proper appointments , no support or clarification of what is going on with me. I feel lost and helpless. Please can I have advice?
Hello @ells0z and welcome to the forum.
Are you type1 or 2 your info says 2 but wondering as you are only 19.
Have you been tested for coeliac disease and pernicious anaemia?

I think you need to ring your surgery and ask for an apt with your GP, write everything down before you speak to him her. This includes all your symptoms/concerns and the state it's leaving your mental health in.
Also check all your medication and see if any of it can cause your symptoms.

Sending you best wishes.
Hi @ells0z,

Welcome to the forum. I’m sorry to read you have been having such a difficult time with your health recently. What symptoms prompted the visits to hospital and were you given any indication of what was causing them?

In relation to your question of gastroparesis, this is something that usually develops as a long term complication of diabetes, how long have you had diabetes and how have your levels been generally over that time?
Hi and welcome from me.
What reason was for your hospital admissions and what sort of numbers are your BG levels?
Hello and welcome. 🙂
Hi @ells0z, and a warm welcome to the forum.

19 is a young age to be diagnosed as T2, but that, along with the fat infiltration of the liver leads me to think you are overweight. If so, it is a distraction from getting proper treatment and investigation of both your diabetes and bowel problems. What were the reasons for your hospital admissions? And are you losing weight, or persistently thirsty? If you are thirsty, only drink water or sugar free drinks.

I assume you have the means to check your blood glucose levels - could you tell us what sort of numbers you are getting?

Finally, it is extremely unlikely that you have gastroparesis, but what is strange about your stools? Funny colour? Difficult to flush? Any blood?

Sorry for all the questions, I used to be a doctor. So I’m asking the questions you should have been asked already.
Hi @ells0z, and a warm welcome to the forum.

19 is a young age to be diagnosed as T2, but that, along with the fat infiltration of the liver leads me to think you are overweight. If so, it is a distraction from getting proper treatment and investigation of both your diabetes and bowel problems. What were the reasons for your hospital admissions? And are you losing weight, or persistently thirsty? If you are thirsty, only drink water or sugar free drinks.

I assume you have the means to check your blood glucose levels - could you tell us what sort of numbers you are getting?

Finally, it is extremely unlikely that you have gastroparesis, but what is strange about your stools? Funny colour? Difficult to flush? Any blood?

Sorry for all the questions, I used to be a doctor. So I’m asking the questions you should have been asked already.

My dad has and my grandmother had diabetes. I was in hospital due to hyperglycaemic episodes and being extremely dehydrated. I am a recovered anorexic and also struggle with PCOS so it’s hard for me to lose weight. I don’t appreciate you assuming that I’m overweight, especially considering you don’t even know what I look like, however this may be the reason I have liver issues. I have also been on a lot of medication that has liver problems And weight gain in the side effects for years at a time. I currently check my blood sugars at home before and after meals and upon waking and sleeping. I have attached my recent blood sugar readings. Thank you.


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Hi @ells0z,

Welcome to the forum. I’m sorry to read you have been having such a difficult time with your health recently. What symptoms prompted the visits to hospital and were you given any indication of what was causing them?

In relation to your question of gastroparesis, this is something that usually develops as a long term complication of diabetes, how long have you had diabetes and how have your levels been generally over that time?
I have only recently been diagnosed however was diagnosed with PCOS at 12 and believe I’ve had untreated diabetes for nearly 8 years. The reason u was in hospital was due to hyperglycaemia and severe dehydration. I have attached my recent blood sugar readings Thank you
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