I shouldn't complain and I am trying to be cheerful

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
.......but finding being cheerful a little bit harder than normal at the home

Waking up regularly with sugars of 20 (due to the gastroparesis not behaving)
on extra strong antibiotics because of a toe infection (these are on top of the regular antibiotics for the gastroparesis - and the new antibiotics are making me feel sick)
Having holes lasered into my eyes tomorrow (yag peripheral iridotomies - and if they don't work it will be eye surgery)
then got to see podiatrist "urgently" according to the GP about foot infection (and podiatrist is talking about the possibility of toe nail surgery)
and slightly fed up with taking 10 different medications every day (including two lots of eye drops before bed, "normal" injections, antibiotics every six hours and anti sickness tablets)

sorry I shouldn't have posted this because I'm whingeing and I am trying to focus on the good things in life.......but just at the moment I'm finding it difficult
You should post this.................it means we can all hear what your going through and take some of the burden, well kind of........

All those things happening would get too much for anyone...........just take each day as it comes........
Dont apologise AJ, you are having it tough at the moment and i think anyone would find it hard to keep positive , sorry i cant be of any more help but moan and whine as much as you want after all thats why all of us are here hun.I can sympathise with the high sugars i used to have double figures every day for ages and i felt so horrible i hope they come down for you soon sweet .
Hope tomorrow goes ok x
So sorry you having such a rough time.

Hope things improve for you soon x
Just let it rip and feel free to dump all the 'junk' on us!

Then, go and do what you say and focus on the good things in your life.

I hope that you get some resolution in the not so good things as soon as possible.

Andy 🙂
Always feel free to rant, it's what we're here for!

Hope things start improving for you soon. In the meantime, sending big hugs your way!
You have every right to have a 'moan' - you are dealing with a lot at the moment - so dont apologise. I do hope you start to feel positive about things very soon.🙂Bev
Hi AJ, don't apologise - any one of those things would be enough, so I can't imagine how difficult it must be to stay cheery when faced with them all at once. I hope that all goes well tomorrow so that you will have one less thing to deal with, and that the antibiotics do their stuff. I will be thinking of you and sending positive vibes in your direction! 🙂
Don't appologise for posting, we all feel out of sorts with things sometimes and posting helps.

I hope you don't mind the suggesting, if the antibiotics are making you feel sick that will add to the problems. Go have a chat to the doctors. Last time I felt that ill I was on antibiotics that were too strong for me and the doctor changed them.
Hi Aj sorry cant help with all you have going on right now but would just like to say dont worry about toenail surgery its not as bad as it sounds i have had both my big toes done and i go in on thursday to have one of my nails completly removed the only bit you feel is the needle in your toe to numb it but apart from that its a breeze realy,anyway hope all goes well for you.
Hi Aj sorry cant help with all you have going on right now but would just like to say dont worry about toenail surgery its not as bad as it sounds i have had both my big toes done and i go in on thursday to have one of my nails completly removed the only bit you feel is the needle in your toe to numb it but apart from that its a breeze realy,anyway hope all goes well for you.

Hi Carol hope you dont mind me asking but why did you need your toenails removing. I have only just recently been diagnosed but have had fungal nail infections due to suffering bady with atheletes foot as a young person........and am now wondering if this is another thing I have got to look forward to?

Why do diabetics have trouble with there feet?

Thanks Sheilagh
Hi not a problem, ingrown toenails on big toes only had sides of nails removed on them but the one im having done this week is deformed so instead of growing normaly its growing underneath its self so my toe problems arnt caused by the diabetes but it was good to get it sorted to prevent any probs in the future,besides that i dident want to spend my life in flipflops🙂
How's going AJ? Keep posting, please...
Hi everyone thank you so much for your lovely messages. I go to the eye hospital at 3 pm today for the peripheral iridotomies so trying to keep myself occupied. As soon as I know whether the lasering of the holes has been successful I will post you. Your kind thoughts have been really helpful, thank you
Hi everyone thank you so much for your lovely messages. I go to the eye hospital at 3 pm today for the peripheral iridotomies so trying to keep myself occupied. As soon as I know whether the lasering of the holes has been successful I will post you. Your kind thoughts have been really helpful, thank you

Oops! Why did I think it was Wednesday today?😛 Good luck, try to stay calm 🙂
Thanks Northener for all of your support and this reply made me laugh!
Hi AJ , we are go through ups and downs with our diabetes , it great you feel you can share with other people on here who are all going through the same and offer you support 🙂
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