I need an energy drink or two

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does anyone else experience a lack of energy and exhaustion like I do?

Even the simplest of tasks tires me beyond belief, I get exhausted just walking from the lounge to the kitchen, I know I'm an oldie (78) but I've always been full of energy and not one to sit around doing nothing like I am at the moment. Perhaps it's the heat we have been experiencing this past few weeks but it never bothered me before.

From what I have gleaned from the forum posts everyone is carrying on as normal, so it's not diabetes that's making me feel like this, perhaps it's the combination of tablets I'm on (Omniprozole, Statins and Gliclazide} Any idea's folks?
Are you testing your blood sugars when you feel like this? Could it be high blood sugars? If you can’t find a cause and it continues after a few weeks you should see your GP.
Thanks, @Lucyr I'm testing them three times a day at the moment and they are all within normal range - today's were 4,4, 4.7 and 5.2 so they seem fine to me. If it carries on for another week I will try to talk to the doctor.
It could be something very simple like being anaemic or an under active thyroid or a vit B12 deficiency.
Only way to find out is speak or email GP for blood tests. It def doesn't sound like diabetes related or old age as you are not old.
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