I may have found a loophole!!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Some of you may have read that I am trying endlessly to get onto a daphne course as I hear such good things about it and I really think it will help my control and hopefully my future but im not in the correct postcode for it to be offered although 2 hospitals half an hour away do have it... but i have been let onto a little secret that could be my loophole of getting a place ... has anyone heard of Choose and Book???? It is meant to be a scheme where you and your gp sit down and you can pick any hospital in England to treat you and as my consultant is leaving in March Im going to try and do the choose and book and get an appointment with a consultant at the hospitals that do offer daphne and fingers crossed I may be allowed on it.

Its still a long shot but its a hope!!! 🙂
If you are changing hospital there should be no problem getting on the course.
I go to a far away hospital and have been on the local hospitals DAFNE waiting list, so i'm sure it can be done. Good luck with it.
Ooh! Hope it works Emma!🙂 Even if your pct doesn't offer DAFNE, they should offer an alternative - has anything been mentioned about this? My hospital offered their own version called 'Diabetes4Life' which I found very useful, although not as comprehensive as DAFNE I think.
Hiya, yep you are entitled to go to the hospital of your choice. We used it when we swapped hospitals for Rose.

Don't be fobbed off though. We were initially told that we couldn't choose because it was too far to travel! Erm....surely that was our decision. So, choosing to travel we now go 45 mins to Addenbrookes rather than the hospital 5 mins away, but def. the better hospital......
Hi Emzi,
Good luck, I hope you manage to change hospital. I live in Scotland and went to a different hospital to do DAFNE, but back to my normal hospital after it was finished. I have to say, don't get your hopes up that it will change your life, they told me it would and i'd never look back. I finished it 5 weeks ago and i am on a never ending blood glucose level battle. I am never in the DAFNE target ranges, either sky high in the 20's or terribly low. It's hard hard work, but in saying that i learnt some great things on it. I was told it would transform my control, still waiting for that. I'm still working away at it, going to give it a few more weeks and if not working going to go back to my old way, where i had good control. Good luck, if you want to know anything about it just ask me and i'll try and fill you in. x x :D
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