?I?m diabetic but just can?t give up the chocolate?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Counsellor Fiona Caine offers her perspective on family dramas, emotional issues and dysfunctional relationships.

I?m a diabetic with a sweet tooth

Q: My doctor diagnosed 
me with diabetes about three years ago and although I?m not on medication, I?m supposed to be controlling it with diet.

The problem is that I love sweet things, especially chocolate. When I?m stressed, I can?t help indulging.

I know I?m risking my health and my doctor has told me so, but I can?t seem to help myself.

The sweet things designed for diabetics just don?t cut it!

A: Avoid stress triggers. Trying to control your stress with something that causes you worse problems is not only aggravating your diabetes but probably increasing your stress.

For many people, things that are forbidden become all the more attractive and I suspect this is the case with you.

So you need to find treats you can indulge in that don?t harm your health and that reduce your stress at the same time.

You should also set down all your stress triggers so that 
you can find ways of avoiding them or managing them 

Take up yoga, dancing, kick boxing ? whatever will reduce your stress ? and choose a treat that won?t upset your metabolic balance.

People with diabetes can eat sugar, remember ? just as long as it?s part of a healthy-eating programme.

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