I love Horace

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just had my first Hb1AC since linking up with Horace (my pump) 4 weeks ago and its dropped from 9% to 8%, this backs up the fact that i feel so much better in myself. THe consultant asked if I was happy to continue or if I wanted to go back to MDI, told her that there was no way i'd give Horace up!! Heres hoping that all you out there who are still waiting for pumps get them very soon.🙂
Great news Jan (and Horace?! 🙂)

Thats a really big drop, especially at the start of pumping, congratulations!

Why 'Horace'? I am wondering about naming my pump- everyone who has a name their pump seems to achieve a better HbA1c! Perhaps its a love-thing?!

Lou x
Well done! Keep up the good work - well done Horace!:D

Alex calls his 'Rumple Pumple' or 'Pumpy'! Lou, perhaps we should have a poll to name your pink number?:DBev
thats great, really encouraging news well done 🙂
No real reason to call him Horace, a colleague came up with the name and it just stuck. Thanks for all your messages of support. LOL 😉
Hi Jan, well done to you and Horace 🙂 I very similar think happened to me, I've been pumping 3 months now but had an a1c 6 weeks in and I'd dropped from 8.3 to 7.3....a whole % same as you.....

I too love Poppy, and have had some really bad hypos recently, my DSN asked if I wanted to go back on MDI and I said NOOOOOOO no explanation....just noooooo!!!! haha

Pumping is not for everyone, but glad it is making a diff to us both Jan, we shd have a pumpers meet up so Horace and Poppy can meet 🙂 x
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