I Lost Weight: Faced With A Diabetes Diagnosis

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Name: Cristina Hanganu-Bresch
Age: 38
Height: 5'10"
Before Weight: 240 pounds

How I Gained It: I've never really been small -- not only am I tall, but I also I come from a family of sturdy Romanian folk who like to eat and drink heartily and without remorse. Before moving to the U.S. from Romania in 1998 to pursue a graduate degree, I was about 175 pounds -- not exactly skinny, but overall, healthy and an acceptable size. The lifestyle change was drastic and the weight gain was gradual. For one, I discovered Cinnabon, Burger King extra-large fries and unlimited Chinese buffets (all the food you want for $9.99? Well, I'd better get my money's worth!). The CHEAP! FOOD! EVERYWHERE! combined with a reliance on cars rather than walking (previously my preferred mode of exercise) did me in. I put on about 40 pounds over the first three years.


Any of our members fancy sending in their success stories? 🙂
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