I know this may sound so stupid, but...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I just can't seem to give up the Coke of late!!

Yes, the dreaded Coca Cola!...I can't do the non sugar stuff, would rather go without!...I was doing so well for such a long time. I did'nt have a sip of Coka pass my lips in nearly 3 months, that is just immense for a Coke addict like me!

I have had alot of stress of late and, well, I've just started back on it and can't seem to stop. As you can imagine, my sugars are all over the place! I am on Levimer 20 units once a day at the moment. I got up this morning and my sugars were 12.5. They have'nt been below 10.5 all day.

Someitimes it feels like fighting this Diabetic illness is so useless...I'm just bloody useless! It seems so unfair, my couple of glasses of Coke each night is all the pleasure I have, it's like someone else's equivilent to a glass of wine in the evening!

My family has such complex problems, my son is so unwell, my marriege of 19 years is over, I have been a stay at home Mum, needed to be for my son. So, I have no way of being independant for myself. I have severe mobility problems due to problems with my back, on pills that are coming out of my ears, I rely on a walking aid that makes me feel 80!...I am so afraid all of the time and down right painfully bloody lonely!

God strike me dead and excuse me for being so evil as to want a bloody coke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Takes deep breath! *

So sorry for ranting, so sorry for not being good at this diabetes thing!

Please, please do not reccommend diet drinks, please, I have tried them all, it's the coke, the evil coke!

Just tired and can't be bothered to try anymore...guess I'll be popping my clogs early!

Sorry, Ellowyne.
ellowyne ITS JUST NOT FAIR!!!!!! but i hope you feel a bit better soon...sadly coke as you know is so full of sugar..... big hugs Ps i find pepsi max good (ducks as ellowyne throws a coke can across the solent! )
ellowyne ITS JUST NOT FAIR!!!!!! but i hope you feel a bit better soon...sadly coke as you know is so full of sugar..... big hugs Ps i find pepsi max good (ducks as ellowyne throws a coke can across the solent! )

Lol!...Your post made me smile! Thank you! 🙂

* Takes Big Sip From Coke Bottle! *​

Only joking, I am really trying to resist tonight!
Hi Ellowyne,
I know this may sound stupid but DON'T BUY THE COKE then you can't drink it!
I'm not trying to be rude but seriously, if the coke isn't in the house you won't be able to drink it. Have your second favourite drink
(diet drink) indoors and when you're thirsty it'll be that or nowt.
You just need to be strong in the supermarket. Ask your partner to go down the isle where the coke is and you go off and get the rest.

Good luck🙂
I just can't seem to give up the Coke of late!!

Yes, the dreaded Coca Cola!...I can't do the non sugar stuff, would rather go without!...I was doing so well for such a long time. I did'nt have a sip of Coka pass my lips in nearly 3 months, that is just immense for a Coke addict like me!

I have had alot of stress of late and, well, I've just started back on it and can't seem to stop. As you can imagine, my sugars are all over the place! I am on Levimer 20 units once a day at the moment. I got up this morning and my sugars were 12.5. They have'nt been below 10.5 all day.

Someitimes it feels like fighting this Diabetic illness is so useless...I'm just bloody useless! It seems so unfair, my couple of glasses of Coke each night is all the pleasure I have, it's like someone else's equivilent to a glass of wine in the evening!

My family has such complex problems, my son is so unwell, my marriege of 19 years is over, I have been a stay at home Mum, needed to be for my son. So, I have no way of being independant for myself. I have severe mobility problems due to problems with my back, on pills that are coming out of my ears, I rely on a walking aid that makes me feel 80!...I am so afraid all of the time and down right painfully bloody lonely!

God strike me dead and excuse me for being so evil as to want a bloody coke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Takes deep breath! *

So sorry for ranting, so sorry for not being good at this diabetes thing!

Please, please do not reccommend diet drinks, please, I have tried them all, it's the coke, the evil coke!

Just tired and can't be bothered to try anymore...guess I'll be popping my clogs early!

Sorry, Ellowyne.

I'm so sorry you are having such a tough time - life can be the pits can't it? I'm five years post divorce, eight years on my own, after my marriage ended after 18 years. I too was a stay at home mum, and my Goodness was it a daunting, oh forget that, plain TERRIFYING, prospect! I don't know what your individual circumstances are, but my ex-husband had undermined my confidence and self belief to such an extent that I couldn't see how I could ever manage alone, especially with three children, two of them already teens, with all the probs that particular phase brings lol! It was just two years after that, that Sophie was diagnosed with T1. Stress seems to be my middle name!!

Anyway, what I'm really trying to say is, that no matter how terrifying it is, you CAN and WILL get through it, you HAVE to, if only for your son's sake. And, although I found it hard to believe back then, you will find a renewed sense of self worth that you are surviving and that you are probably a lot stronger than you realise. Give yourself time to grieve for the loss of your marriage, and then you can start to look at the new future that awaits you. You will have bad days, more than good ones at first, but eventually you'll realise the tide is changing. Hang on to the fact that your son needs you and you will be ok. Golly, I was going to try and get some sleep nearly half an hour ago! Best wishes.🙂
Ellowynne sorry to hear your battling with the temptaions, remember they are far more sugarless drinks then coke , for example i love sprite zero it is really nice and to be honest you cant tell the diffirence,just have a good luck around the supermarket and open your mind up to all the other kinds of diet drinks, seriously you know you will be better off if you kick the full sugar stuff. xx
I know this may sound so stupid, but....

I used to drink coke and found once I had drunk one it kinda made me thirstier and I would get another one. I honestly think the manufacturers add something to coke that makes you thirsty or something to make you addicted. Stay away from it...can't do you any good anyhow as it is supposed to rot the enamel on teeth. Dread to think what it does to your inside and your blood sugars.

I too have a severe back problem and through toes and forefoot amputations have bad mobility. Think you are probably suffering as I did and still do at times. Being so bad with mobility affects you real bad at times, I think you tend to feel sorry for yourself because of what you once had and have lost. May help to see your GP as you could be suffering from depression too.

Don't give in to it......DEAL WITH IT.

All the very best to you!
I used to drink coke and found once I had drunk one it kinda made me thirstier and I would get another one. I honestly think the manufacturers add something to coke that makes you thirsty or something to make you addicted. Stay away from it...can't do you any good anyhow as it is supposed to rot the enamel on teeth. Dread to think what it does to your inside and your blood sugars.

I too have a severe back problem and through toes and forefoot amputations have bad mobility. Think you are probably suffering as I did and still do at times. Being so bad with mobility affects you real bad at times, I think you tend to feel sorry for yourself because of what you once had and have lost. May help to see your GP as you could be suffering from depression too.

Don't give in to it......DEAL WITH IT.

All the very best to you!

I think the coke will be making you thirstier (sp?) as it increases your blood sugars which makes you thirsty, so you want more.,.... it is a vicious circle. I agree with not buying it, although this may not be so easy if your son likes it. I can't have cakes etc. in the house (or OH has to hide them if he wants some) as my will power is pathetic.
I used to drink coke and found once I had drunk one it kinda made me thirstier and I would get another one. I honestly think the manufacturers add something to coke that makes you thirsty or something to make you addicted.

They do! It's called sugar! 🙂
Got To Get My Act Togther!

Thank you for all the kind comments!....I know I have to pick myself up and get my act togther....I have not touched any Coke in 2 days, that's good for me!...The thing is my BS are just not going down!

I feel quite sick and had a bad night last night, sweating, heart pounding and a terrible migrain!...This morning, still at 10.5. They have'nt been below 10 for a few days now....I am so worried.

I have tried to move around but my back is just too painful even when walking!...I've been drinking water, I'm just afraid to even eat!

I think I will phone my DSN tommorow, she may start the fast acting Insulin at dinner time. I have it here ready, she said to give it a couple more weeks, which it has been, and if my BS is not around a fasting of 8 in the morning then she will start me on that.

Thank you again to everyone, this is such a comforting place to come to when feeling so low. You know, I said to my husband that I have posted on the diabetic forum because I have been worried...he looked blank into space and did;nt answer, I said 'did you hear what I just said' He said 'Sorry, yeah, I was trying to work out my wages' Then continued 'What are you worried about'....That about says it all! I am so alone in this. I have no family network for support and not one, not one friend.

I just keep feeling so scared about what I am doing to myself, and yet, in some ways I can't find the energy to care.

Love to all, Ellowyne.
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