I keep coughing

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Caroline Wilson

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Any suggestions please, to stop this persistent cough or at least get some relief? Been to the doctor, he thinks it is a chest infection so have been taking antibitoics since Friday night. I have had so much to drink all my inside bits are buying water wings and learning to swim. The cough medicine from the pharmacist hasn't helped either, so until I can harass the doctor again, any brilliant ideas please?

p.s I don't even smoke, so I can't give that up either and the humidifier has worked so hard it has caused a water shortage!
Sadly, the only things I can think of that might help either contain sugar or are aimed at making you cough more, to clear the muck. What exactly did the chemist give you?
I had robitussin from the chemist as it is a dry cough. Must admit it doesn't feel like a chest infection and the doctor thought it might be hayfever but said to try the antibiotics first.

I'm just off to get another cuppa (the warm drinks seem to help most) and have a comfort break.
I'm not sure but I think that's an 'expectorant' i.e., it makes you cough more not less. There is a night time version which I believe contains a cough suppressant which is what you want.
Have you switched tabs recently? Apparently some for blood pressure can result in a nasty cough.
Thanks, the stuff I bought came ina blue box and said it was for dry coughs. It didn't work anyway, so after half a bottle I ditched it.

Tablets not changed for a while, the original blood pressure pills I had made me cough, but I've been OK with these.

I'm trying to keep busy to take my mind off it a bit, but every time i go to do a job or pick anything up hubby drops whatever he is doing and I am getting frustrated with him.
Hi Caroline

OH once had a dreadful dry cough that *would not clear* for love nor money, through spring and into summer. Steroid inhaler for a short time did the trick like nothing you've ever seen. Hayfever, apparently, though he never really suffers with it otherwise. Hasn't had it before or since!

Good luck with it.
Doc did advise to go back if antibiotics didn't work as it might be hayfever, so it looks like another trip to the doctors for me. Thanks for support and listening.
Hi Caroline
I suffer dreadfully with hayfever and currently this includes coughing. My GP says its part of the reaction to inhaling the pollen which some sufferers get - unfortunately I'm one of them!
Hope it eases for you soon
Hi Caroline
I suffer dreadfully with hayfever and currently this includes coughing. My GP says its part of the reaction to inhaling the pollen which some sufferers get - unfortunately I'm one of them!
Hope it eases for you soon

Do you take anything for your hay fever? Used to get hay fever and thought I'd grown out of it, but looks like it has come back in a different way! When I went to the chemist, it was suggested by the pharmacist I may have asthma or hay fever, but needed to see the doctor. Beechams hot lemons have helped a bit as they ease the sore throat caused by the cough.
Just a quick up date. Went back to doc, saw my own doctor and not loccum this time. He says not hayfever and has given different antibiotics, may need another trip back in a week when I'm still coughing...
Any suggestions please, to stop this persistent cough or at least get some relief? Been to the doctor, he thinks it is a chest infection so have been taking antibitoics since Friday night. I have had so much to drink all my inside bits are buying water wings and learning to swim. The cough medicine from the pharmacist hasn't helped either, so until I can harass the doctor again, any brilliant ideas please?

p.s I don't even smoke, so I can't give that up either and the humidifier has worked so hard it has caused a water shortage!
Hi Caroline,

A friend of mine has the same thing and has had all sorts of tests carried out including X-rays - all the results have been negative..

His problem seems to be coming down to possibly being a side-effect of taking statins. It might be worth taking a look at the leaflets that come with any medications that you are taking.

Good luck - John
Thanks John, I came back to work with the new antibiotics today, so I'll see how I get on. Next time I go I have also been told I should ask Dr. Twit to do a peak flow test as lots of people still think it is asthma...
Yes - my friend had one of those blow tests too and that also was quite normal.
Having had my morning break, there are loads of people in different parts of the building with coughs and snuffles. I think someone is blaming the air conditioning as it can harbour all kinds of nasties when not well maintained.
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