I haven't forgotten you...


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Phone issues haven't helped. New phone and I damaged it.‍
As for me...still thinking of buying a new blood testing kit. Haven't really been checking my bloods but...

Not tired. Eating what I see to be a healthy diet. I have done much research.

Eating small portions. "Everything" in moderation. No sweets, cakes, sugar, chocolate. Watching carbs. Combination of some foods that slow down any possible sugar rushes or overloads.

I have lost approx 4 stone in weight. I was never ever told I was overweight by my kidney consultant. Almost 30 years. In all the time that I have been monitored.

But this pleases me and I hope it helps take some strain off my insulin problems. It must be good for my overall health. I found it reasonably easy to do.

I eat from all the groups that should help keep me healthy. But I always did.

You know...grains. Nuts. Oats. Fibre. Allowed fruit. Salad veg. Vegetables. Pulses. Fibre. Protein. Measured portions of fish/chicken. Use herbs/spices to jazz up some dishes.

I think I am doing OK. More blood tests will be due soon(even if they are not specifically checking my prediabetes)but as I said previously I am being left alone for approx a year.

I will be talking to my kidney specialist in approx 3 weeks. I'll tell her what has happened. Get her input on my situation. This has all happened since our last talk. She had been really happy with me.

Was reducing and may continue to reduce certain long term meds I have been taking for years.
I have access to some very good reliable and trusted sites online offering both advice. News and diet/recipe ideas.

I guess with care as we head into the colder weather I will be looking at what comfort foods I will be able to eat.
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That sounds like things are moving in the right direction. Hopefully the blood tests will have good results
Yes sounds like positive steps.
I do like a good bowl of soup or stew with loads of veggies and pearl barley in winter.
I find the winter more difficult @Gildersleeve . As you say, comfort foods spring to mind in the cold, dark evenings. Like @PhoebeC I like a nice bowl of stew in the winter, but just meat, a few carrots, beans and peas, no taters sadly.
You seem to be doing really well, long may it continue!