I have terrible care

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So yet again, the diabetic nurse leaves me with blood sugars of 21 etc. Past 2 years I've been hbc1a of 106 and now 96. Hasn't moved. Got tablets which didn't agree with me and now they say nothing more can be done and have left me like that.

I've put in complaints and still nothing. I have now got diabetic neuropathy in my feet and starting in my hands. I don't know what to do now.

Yesterday I started sweating perfously and had major stomach pains and dhiarea. Couldn't stop having acid reflux and had clammy skin. I have no friends etc and haven't left the house in 2 years due to my mobility now. I can barely stand now. I'm type 2 and have been for 11 years. Antipsychotics pills are very bad for diabetes and make you eat, eat and eat. I can't sleep and feel tired all the time and thirsty.
Why not change gp practice if you’re not happy with yours?
We only have 1 practice here, the other one is 9 hours by car.
Where are you based? Last time you posted you said they’d prescribed you new diabetes tablets but that you weren’t taking them. Are you actually taking them now? It’s only a month ago that you hadn’t started them and they’ll take some time to work.
Scotland, im in a small village.I started them but I was told to stop them as they gave me pancreatitis. I was very unwell for about 2 weeks after stopping them and I still do hurt.
Are you in a position to change what you eat? Have you tried reducing carbs (bread, rice, pasta, pastry, cereals as well as sugar itself)?

Were you ever tested for type 1 (eg c peptide, insulin or antibodies) or was the diagnosis of type 2 based purely on outward assumptions. If you have type 1 family and because of your young age it seems odd if they didn’t do any investigation.

Is there another person at the surgery you can see? You may not be able to change surgery but you could see a different person perhaps. Can you ask to be referred to a diabetes clinic at a hospital if they can not help you themselves. They really shouldn’t be leaving you without care or reviewing medication.
Hello. Thank you for replying. I really appreciate it. I just feel so alone in all this. They diagnosed me type 2 and didn't do any test. They just presumed it was.

I've tried to stop a lot of things, but I'm not a big veggie person. I've changed from white bread etc to maybe 1 or 2 slices of brown wholemeal. I'm addicted to potatoes, but I'm even having less of that now. I'm working on portion sizes at the moment. If I could get out the house and stand for more than 5 seconds then it would help a lot.

My family in America are all type 1s I'm told and I did get diabetes really early, in my early 30s.

They gave me a nurse who's training to be a diabetic nurse and I tell her stuff all the time and it never gets sorted. They gave me a pill about 3 years ago that let the sugar come put through your urine , however it put me in hospital with DKA and they wasn't sure I was even going to make it as it was that severe. I went to the Dr's the same day with DKA symptoms and all they said was to go home and keep drinking fluids as I was loosing so much.

In hospital I went through 6 bags of that water stuff they put in your veins and was on a insilin machine for 24h. I have to admit, I'm very scared at the moment as if this high sugar keeps going on, it will eventually do much more damage.

I've spoken to 3 different Dr's and still nothing gets done, I really don't know what to do next. I'm thinking maybe one more complaint but doubt it will ever get fixed.
Scotland, im in a small village.
Even driving from Gretna Green to Orkney isn’t quite 9 hours, there must be another GP within less than a 9 hour drive.
I think changing GPs sound a good idea. Could you see a diabetes specialist at a hospital? I know you need a referral but try asking and see what they say.

From what you have said about your family it sounds like Type 1 to me. Are GPs aware of the family history?
Yeah I've told the GPS a few times about my family. We do things in zones here so if your in the shire then you need to go into that zone .
Yeah I've told the GPS a few times about my family. We do things in zones here so if your in the shire then you need to go into that zone .
That sounds strange, you have to see a gp in the same zone but it’s a 9hr drive to the nearest gp within that zone?
It's really complicated. I'm in the shire zone so I can only go to this surgery as there is only 1. If I wanted another one then I would jabe to move and I don't want to do that. It's 90 miles to the nearest diabetic specialist hospital is what I meant not 9h car. Someone phoned today 3 times and I missed the calls as I don't sleep well and they didn't leave a message.
It's really complicated. I'm in the shire zone so I can only go to this surgery as there is only 1. If I wanted another one then I would jabe to move and I don't want to do that. It's 90 miles to the nearest diabetic specialist hospital is what I meant not 9h car. Someone phoned today 3 times and I missed the calls as I don't sleep well and they didn't leave a message.
I “ghost” calls from numbers I don’t know. (Or are “private?”) my Protocol? They should leave a message, if valid. . Or at least a forwarning you will get a call. My specialists understand I don’t do potential scams?
You are right: antipsychotics do stimulate your appetite.
Do you have a mental health worker?
If so do you think, if they realised the upset this issue is causing you, that they might support you to discuss your needs/ medication with your GP?
It's definitely from the surgery as number is the same but I've always had a message left and this time , none.

Regarding the mental health, I've just got a cbt person now after years of trying. I told the dr my problems and they say it's the mental health team that needs to look at my medicine. I don't have a mental health team at all. The drs use to be so good before covid and now you need to fight for anything.
It's definitely from the surgery as number is the same but I've always had a message left and this time , none.

Regarding the mental health, I've just got a cbt person now after years of trying. I told the dr my problems and they say it's the mental health team that needs to look at my medicine. I don't have a mental health team at all. The drs use to be so good before covid and now you need to fight for anything.
Maybe talk to your “newly appointed metal health team” if they are calling? There are new “initiatives” in place regarding health care? I had messages left after anonymous calls regarding my insulin request. I don’t use a lot of basal insulin. & a locum couldn’t understand the time scale on the previous prescription request Dispite my recent HbA1c. She thought I had been omitting insulin? There were messages (eventually.) then I was phoned at work. Till I explained & confirmed issues on any missunderstanding.
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