I have had ENOUGH

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If it was an exact science, then we'd all get it right every time. Sometimes there's just no explanation. This happens to me too, and have to have extra injection to correct. Then I go too low. It really, really sucks.

Deep breath, sending calm vibes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
poor ole becky have you got dodgy strips ...you were saying that you had decrepancys with the meters ...big hugs hun xx
I don't think it's the strips, I think it's me. I have some weird circulation sometimes, so i do tend to vary from one hand to another. I got 11.9 in one hand, 15.6 in the other, and then 13.6 in the first hand again. So you go with the middle value....I do think it's me and my weird circulation, but all the same, it's starting to really get to me :(
I don't think it's the strips, I think it's me. I have some weird circulation sometimes, so i do tend to vary from one hand to another. I got 11.9 in one hand, 15.6 in the other, and then 13.6 in the first hand again. So you go with the middle value....I do think it's me and my weird circulation, but all the same, it's starting to really get to me :(

when are you seeing dsn again?

Don't forget its the food as well. You may well have got the carbs counted right but food is a monkey like that, it plays tricks on the old levels.

Jessica was at a party yesterday. The birthday cake and pudding were carb counted perfectly. After a few hours, she started creeping up and up and hit 21 😱 Took a lot of hard work to get her down and she woke at 8.5, too high but much better.

Can you ask for an appointment much sooner or can you email the nurse. We keep in touch with ours via email.

About 5 months...

ummmmmm i think if you are continously getting these levels becks try and see her earlier ???? have you to talked with adrienne ??? carb counting good fairy ?:D

hahhaa i posted and she'd got their first !!!
Could give her a ring, I suppose. It's probably the fact that I'm trying to carb count for fruit juice because I miss it so much. Andrew keeps telling me to just have it and cover it, but every time I end up going high.

Maybe I should just steer clear completely?
Could give her a ring, I suppose. It's probably the fact that I'm trying to carb count for fruit juice because I miss it so much. Andrew keeps telling me to just have it and cover it, but every time I end up going high.

Maybe I should just steer clear completely?

cant touch the stuff myself ...or most fruits :(
Could give her a ring, I suppose. It's probably the fact that I'm trying to carb count for fruit juice because I miss it so much. Andrew keeps telling me to just have it and cover it, but every time I end up going high.

Maybe I should just steer clear completely?

Ah ha the dreaded fruit juice.

how much do you have? And which one? I have found that if I still to about 100 to 150 ml for Jessica and cover it with insulin it is ok but not all of them. Can't remember which ones are ok and which aren't off the top of my head. I know she has had orange juice and apple juice.

I would try different ones and only have a bit and see which one works for you. You will have to maybe bolus way up front for it though as it is quick ish acting and NR doesn't start acting for about 20 to 30 minutes. So you could inject, have breakfast, then have juice after.

It will be pure guesswork and trial and error.
Aww hun that sucks. Might be worth avoiding it totally. I know its not the same as you but I have fruit juice rarely now & when I do I have half juice & half fizzy water. Sounds a nightmare trying to balance it
I might have it all wrong, but how about squeezing your own orang juice? I know it will still be sweet, because oranges are, and I may be wrong in thinking that juice you squeez for your self is lower in sugar than the stuff you buy because you are going to drink it now and it doesn't need to be stored.

Sorry that was a bit long winded. I hope you get my reasoning.
Hey Becky,

Dont dispair! You normally do so well, you will be back on track soon.

It could be lady things that visit us 😉 Known to be the culprit of many a high a blood sugar......how very dare it?

Chin up sweety- if it makes you feel better, lob it across the room and phone up and get another one!

Lou xx
chin up buttercup... Sorry you're having a rough time, but what I wreckon you should do is pick up the phone and get an appointment with your nursey nurse they are there for us when we need them you may feel you're okay but hell why not as uncle bob says it's good to talk.🙂 especially face to face with a nursey nurse.
It seems to have been one of those days :(
I would try different ones and only have a bit and see which one works for you. You will have to maybe bolus way up front for it though as it is quick ish acting and NR doesn't start acting for about 20 to 30 minutes. So you could inject, have breakfast, then have juice after.

this is what i do if i want juice. i inject like a good 30 - 45 mins beforehand.
I just have 100ml juice at a time, diluted with water, with my breakfast. It's so sweet anyway, I quite like it diluted. Maybe you could try that?
How about having your breakfast food after an injection and saving the frui
t juice till a bit later, say 2 hrs after, when you'd normally be eating a snack of some sort? I find it best to eat/drink little and often during the day. It's always when i have more carbs than normal that i run into problems.

As always different things work for some people and not others. Best of luck with it .
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