I have had enough of being diabetic

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have had enough of being diabetic you can take your diabetes and shove it up your a**e. I have had enough of high blood sugars (not been below 22 for ages) im eating the right things following a very careful diet . Im tired of the constant thrush. im sick and tired of drinking water like a fish im now on my 10th one liter bottle of water today
I cant do this anymore
I just wanna be normal
Gail hun I feel for you we have all felt this way one time or another, diabetes is very tiresome, irritating, condition and it gets to us soo much at times, it's hard enough dealing with the diabetes on its own but i know you do have more then D to deal with hun, it cant be nice to have the constant high levels and the feeling that no matter what you do it always seems to throw up another problem is a hard one to deal with, all i can suggest is have they spoke to you about a change in meds? the thing is with diabetes it is a slow slow process you think no matter how much i eat the right stuff it just does not seem to make a diffirence but it does and if search inside yourself you will find the strength to deal with it, you have to we all have to even when we are having a I hate diabetes day we just gotta keep going as frustrating as it is.Just look forward to the meet and seeing all that attend from here and keep focused on that and be safe in the knowledge you have a forum full of friends in here who can help you whereever we can. xxxx
Stupid diabetes! Sorry it's being such a pain Gail, but you have been doing really well - stick with it and you'll get there! Here's a poem for you:

Go away! Take a break! Go on holiday!
I’m sure you’d like time on your own!
And I wouldn’t mind if you left for a while–
So go on! Just leave me alone!

For it seems you’ve become too dependent,
And it’s putting me in a bad mood!
I’d just like a day with you out of the way,
I hope you don't think that I'm rude!

There ought to be somewhere to send you,
Like the kennels where you might send a pet…
Yes, a kennel for chronic diseases!
But I don’t think there are any yet…

I’m sure if there were they’d make money,
For I know many others would pay
To leave you in the care of another,
Though we might not return straight away…!

I imagine, in the future it will happen
When diseases will all be retired,
They’ll live out their days sat on petri dish trays
Till the very last one has expired!

The diabetes get us all down sometimes, so you are not alone on that. You have had loads to contend with recently, so I am not urprised you want to help the condition pack its bags and get on its way!

Talk to your doctor or care team to see if a change in medication will help or if they can offer any other advice or support.

I hope you feel better soon.
Sorry to hear you are feelimg so down Gail, hope you feel better very soon.
Aww Gail I felt really sorry for you when I read your post and I too was in your position earlier this year and it is a vile way to feel. You must get back to a nurse or doctor and tell them how awful it is. I hope you get some help soon.
aw reaching out in friendship to you

gail - don't give up. well done for posting on here so we can support you.

my son has been up in the 20's today apart from at 11am when he dipped to 2.9, i thought 'oh well a hypo will help us keep him lower' but no such chance by 2pm he was up at 23 again. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

def gets your meds checked and can you speak to a dietician and ask why when you've followed a good healthy eating plan its not working?

really feel for you,

Sending you (((big hugs))). Dont give up, you have come so far. Hope you are feeling better soon xxx
Don't give up Gail!! I know you've got a heck of a lot of stuff to cope with, and i think you're doing really, really well. I know thw whole healthy eating thing is a pain in the proverbial and sometrimes seems to be going nowhere at all. About twice a week on average i wonder why i bother...i'm eating salad like it's going out of fashion, i eat less calories in two meals than you can get in a cereal bar (i looked at a tracker bar the other week, i was struck dumb!) and i still show no signs of turning into a size 14...it's not fair, and that's the worst thing about it. I hate being flippin' diabetic... This is about me moaning, i'm trying to explain that i think i understand (a bit) about what you're feeling.
Hang in there!

Stay strong hun, we all will have some off days but that will make us stronger, just hang in there and well done on getting through now and keep going, you will get there ((hugs))

It is just a ride, sometimes it's up sometimes it's down - just enjoy the ride 🙂

Love the poem written by Northy just for you. See, you are special to us on here so tell D to take a hike.
im sorry about that post i just lost it for a while things are a bit crap at moment gp has put my insutard up to 100 units he agrees with me that insutard is not helping my blood sugar as well as the lantus did but as lantus cant be drawn up like the insutard its tricky, hes only giving me 3 days worth of insulin at a time at moment
thanks everyone for your kind messages
It's possible to draw up any insulin in a syringe from a cartridge, although not from a pre-filled pen device. Could your pharmacist do that for you?
If you are on 100 units a day then could they give you a pen and that would have 300 units in it so would be 3 days worth?

Hope you start to feel better in yourself
im sorry about that post i just lost it for a while things are a bit crap at moment gp has put my insutard up to 100 units he agrees with me that insutard is not helping my blood sugar as well as the lantus did but as lantus cant be drawn up like the insutard its tricky, hes only giving me 3 days worth of insulin at a time at moment
thanks everyone for your kind messages

Gail dont apologise thats what we are here for, good times and bad x .
Don't apologise, I am so glad you went to see your GP, this is a step forward and keep going......
Gail, as others have said, you have nothing to apologise for. The forum is here for support (hugs) xx
Big hugs Gail (((())))

Keep pestering your GP though/DSN...thats what they are there for.

Bernie xx
Hey Gail

Hang in there lovey- I know its completely crap and you have put up with so much for so long. Your purserverence (?sp) really is a credit to you. These high numbers must be tough, even more so in these hot spells.

Gail- you're fabulous and we love you here, chin up.

Lou x
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