I have a pretend pump for the next couple of days...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So today I got given a pump complete with saline so I could see if I can deal with having something attached to me.

So... what can people recommend I ensure I try so I get a real experience of it? For example - sleeping is one of my big concerns. And how to access the pump if I'm wearing a dress etc!
I can offer no suggestions, but hope you get the most out of the experience and decide it's barely noticeable! 🙂
Have you found the secret to getting a pump? You say you are on 50g of carb a day and the dietitian freaks. Saying you will die, because your brain needs 130g. It was a humanitarian act to save your life. :D
Just do all the normal stuff apart from walking too close to door handles at speed or getting the tubing caught around drawer handles! Is it a pump with a tubing or an Omnipod? If it has a handset with it you can be more inventive where you keep it as you don't need to keep fishing it out to bolus. Mine doesn't have a handset so I keep it on my waistband or clipped inside a pocket.

With dresses I clip mine on my bra towards my arm, but there are loads of different products such as belts that go around your thigh/arm/waist so you can wear a dress but still get to your pump. This site has a good selection of ways to attach your pump to all sorts of places to keep it secure under clothing http://www.pouchforall.co.uk/product-category/thigh-pouches/

I hope you get on well with the trial and find that you soon forget you have a pump attached to you.
Bumping this in the hope that another woman with an insulin pump can answer Grainger's question about wearing a dress and pump at the same time and anyone can answer about sleeping with a pump. No doubt that there are extra tips, in addition to what Flower has typed.
I use a Velcro belt at night that came with my pump, and clip it to that. It's also useful when trying on clothes in shops. I seldom wear dresses, the best are shirtwaisters so I can still wear the pump on my belt. I have one tunic with big pockets, I cut a hole in one of them so I can feed the tube through it. For a posh frock I have a thigh pocket which I attach to a suspender belt and then I have to use the remote control Bluetooth feature on my meter. I very rarely do this and prefer separates so I can have my pump on my belt.
If I'm wearing a dress, I slip mine into the centre bit of my bra. Or into the top of one of the cups. Depends on the dress tbh! When I got married, it was in the centre part of my bra but on the inside so there was less of a bulge to be visible. I use a veo and have (had, it broke) a clip that I used.
When I sleep, I used to leave it next to me on the mattress. Now my youngest regularly sneaks into my bed in the night, so I tend to put it in a bra cup (but I was used to sleeping in a nursing bra anyway, so it might not work for everyone!).

Re what to do, just live life - and every time you eat something (even a single biscuit) count the carbs and dial them up to deliver saline.
Thanks all. This is helpful. Random and probably slightly too personal question.... I assume people unclip it for sex?

How long in general can you unclip it for before it would start to affect levels? I realise everyone is different but for example I swim in the mornings often and drive to the pool already in swim wear so I guess it would be off for about an hour and a bit in total - is that too long?
Haha, not always. DH is used to it 😉 sometimes I take it off part way through <blush> but I don't like to, as I worry I'll forget to reattach it afterwards! And how long you can leave it unattached for depends on how, ahem, active you are :D

For swimming, I wear mine inside my costume, unclip at the pool and stick it in a locker, then reattach pretty much as soon as I get out. And test and correct if required. But I've had it detached for 90 minutes or so before for swimming without any significant issues.
How long in general can you unclip it for before it would start to affect levels? I realise everyone is different but for example I swim in the mornings often and drive to the pool already in swim wear so I guess it would be off for about an hour and a bit in total - is that too long?
I used to do that but stopped when I got the pump as I think it would be too long. An hour is the longest I would contemplate being disconnected. It means I have to change at the pool, unless I put my infusion site where it's accessible but that doesn't work for me.
I just keep the pump attached in bed, whatever we are doing. Pumpy sometimes gets in the way but is now part of me so stays with me. I use a long tubing and manage to turn over with no problem.

The worst I have had is it fell out of the bed so was now the wrong way up and as I had a few bubbles in it it did not deliver for a bit. Or at least that is what I think could explain the raised BG over that night.

I do the same as Cate for swimming. Just adjust as necessary when reconnecting. I also leave it running in the locker so that it does not keep bleeping.

Wearing dresses I just tuck it into the front of my bra in the middle. It sometimes wriggles up but usually stays put. Mine is blue toothed to the handset so once attached I do not need to touch it.

Any questions just ask. I love my pump and would not want to be without it now. I hope you find it easy.
This is great - thank you all.

I didn't realise you could get belts, pouches etc so that'll be helpful too!

So i've had this "pretend" pump on now for about 20 hours - I'm converted, it's not actually that much of a pain. Just told my consultant that I want one - they've given me two options - so I'm starting a new thread - I'd love peoples opinions please 🙂
Glad you were impressed and feel a pump is a good move for you 🙂
Its like everything. You will learn what suits you. I went up scar fell pike & put my basal on to 1& 2%. (very low) Had a bowel of porridge for breaky & perfect bg all day. No dinner & two bickys on the way up every few mins testing with my libra.
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