i hate you

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i hate you diabetes. You have ruined my life. All the constant injections and testing. The worry about having children. The worry about complications. You have ruined everything i have ever wanted! A family!
i think i'm doing well and then all of a sudden i'll get a day or two of really high readings and i just dunno what to do. I get a few days of perfect levels then rubbish levels again.
It will get easier to manage, lou.

A few people now on here have had babies very sucessfully with diabetes. You are young, lots of positives on your side. Try and avoid this way of thinking as the pregancy will take a lot of hard work and testing to achieve the best for you and your baby.

Diabetes can only ruin your life when you let it. Its up to you to show it who is boss.
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I know you are a T1 and it's difficult for me to comment being a T2 but do try and keep positive. When i was first diagnosed last October i used to get really down when my levels ran into double figures but it's taken me up to now to work out what i can eat/avoid by testing and i know that too many carbs for me are unfriendly for my BS levels. I also have had to change my lifestyle big time. Try and get an appointment to talk to your DN or GP and tell them how you feel and hope that they can help.
i'm still waiting for my appointment at new clinic. They sent me out one but wrote the wrong date on it.
grrr was at 15 earlier. Got back down to 6.2 now back up to 12 not eaten anything since lunch because of high levels and not felt hungry! what's the point in trying when i get no where! My body hates me as much as i hate it.
Hi, I'm type 2 so can't comment too much, however I do know there are type 1s here who have had children.

I hope things work out for you. We all hate the big D, and we all have lots to learn. Diabetes is not an exact science, but we all lead normal lives.
Hi, just a note of support - I was diagnosed in March 2001 whilst in the very severe last throes of dka, the previous year I had been told I couldn't have children (not diabetes related). Embarked on ivf treatment February 2002, and produced healthy twin girls at the first time of trying!

What I'm really saying is that there is help out there, and being diabetic does not stop ivf being offered, nor does it make any difference to the success rate of live births. Whilst pregnant I tested and ate regularly, something that hasn't always been possible while looking after the children! I too get mysterious highs/lows, and days when no matter what I eat I can't get my blood up. Only another diabetic can understand what you are going through but you are most definitely not alone.

Hugs and chin up chicken!
I am having similar things at the moment, doing everything right, denying myself all the nice foods I was offered at mum and dads at the weekend, but still getting awful results. SOmetimes I feel like I might as well just eat what I want.

The only thing I can thing off at the moment is that I have been much less active due to the awful weather so I have not been walking any where.
i can not offer much being t2 but i understand where you are coming from at diagnose my dn made the statement how old i am?(37) and how old my son(12) and based on those two questions that i didnt want more children when inside i would love to have another one i know that if it happened that no one in the medical prof would be happy but at the same token i do not want to be dismissed just because of my age.
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