I hate to whinge again... but

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
My left arm is almost useless today. The pain is awful. As before, there's no sign of swelling or damage, but my elbow and wrist are driving me daft. I've got the wrist bandaged and that does help a bit. I just wish I knew what's causing it. It kept me awake all night and I've been out of action all day. Last time I had this the doc said it was tennis elbow, it started after they tried to take my BP. This time it was set off by the doc tying a tight band round my arm while trying to get blood out of me. Doesn't seem to have any effect on my right arm, just the left. Sigh. Poor me. Boohoo.😡
awwww, poor you Alison, sounds blimmin' annoying, as well as painful.

Hope the pain goes down for you soon.

Don't worry about whingeing - if you can't do it here, where CAN you??

Hi Alison, sorry I can't offer any advice, only sympathy. I had big problems with my knee in the first few months after diagnosis and found that ibuprofen gel that you rub on helped a little, or you might try something like deep heat or ralgex (if you can put up with the smell of it!). Hope it disappears soon!🙂
Sounds like a trapped nerve, which can be very painful until it gets un trapped.

if it was triggered this time by trying to get blood,it may be worth having a chat witht he doctor.

Other possible causes are sitting and sleeping awkwardly. I hope you are feeling better soon.
This is a brilliant place to let off steam so winge away girl!

Sorry to hear you are suffering.

Hope you feel better soon. {{{HUG}}}
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