I hate this!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Don't you hate it when you are eating something, say a biscuit or even an apple, and someone comes up to you and says, "Are you sure you're allowed to eat that?" I understand they mean well but sometimes I feel like saying to them, "No, I've only been Diabetic for 17 years but,no, you're right, I'm not sure I should be eating this apple!"

Well, yesterday at work a male colleague of mine asked me if I wanted a coffee. I said no thanks. He then said, "Oh yeah, you're not allowed to drink it are you? Sorry!"

Came across this set of impromptu diabetes 'rules' on diabetes blog 'texting my pancreas' http://textingmypancreas.blogspot.com/2010/10/rules.html

Some of the comments are hilarious:
"As you're consuming something that may or may not be a diabetic "no-no", and someone approaches you asking "Should you really be eating that?" you are allowed to Chuck Norris their ass."
In the first years after I was first diagnosed and I was on a diet where having anything sugary was regarded as a sin against the diabetic gods, the worst offender of this sort was my dear old Grandma. Every time I visited her she would get out one of the cakes she loved baking, usually containing a combination of jam, butter cream and icing, place it carefully under my nose for me to view it in its full glory and then declare
"You daren't have any that, had you?".
Sadly she had passed away long before I attended the recent carb counting course, after which I could have replied
"Well actually I don't mind if I do!" 😛😎
Ah, Grandmas.... I love mine dearly, but she drove me mad in my first year of diabetes as whenever I had a treat she'd say "have you taken your medication?". At first I just kept saying "Yes, thank you" but eventually flipped and told her that I could look after myself everyday of the week and remember to take it, so why would I forget on the days I saw her? Think she was quite shocked at the time, but my mum had a chat to her afterwards and explained the need to stand back, and things have been much better since 🙂
All some of the reasons why I don't tell many people about havign diabetes - unless they have to know, or I've known them long / well enough to judge they won't be irritating prats! 🙂
Drives me nuts and the worst offender is my husband aka food police. 🙄
Makes me fume! Especially when they then say, if you have a hypo, I'm not giving you your jab!! Which proves they know NOTHING!
I wonder how it would be if, one day, these people suddenly found themselves in the same boat?

I know you made some effort with that diet and exercise stuff,
But look ? your levels are rising! You didn?t try hard enough!
I saw you eat that chocolate! I saw you with that pie!
Not food for diabetics, a fact you can?t deny!

So please come with me quietly, you?ll find that we know best,
We might release you with a warning, after you?ve confessed ?
You can manage diabetes easily, but only if you try!
Admit we know much more than you, and please don?t question why!

You want to know what qualifies me to talk to you this way?
OK, then I?ll be honest and explain it if I may.
I don?t have diabetes, don?t really have a clue,
But I know it?s caused by sugar, and being fat and lazy too!

That gives me every right to say when you don?t feel so good,
You?ve brought it on yourself you fool, and don?t eat what you should!
We?ll lock you in a cake-free cell and throw away the key,
So try to exercise self-control, and model yourself on me!

Excuse me, I have to answer this, it?s about my glucose test?
My goodness! What?s come over me? I must sit down and rest!
He says I?m diabetic! That makes me just like you!
How terrible! How frightening! Please ? tell me what to do!
Great. I shall print that off and put it somewhere. Maybe the back of the loo door where He can read it at his leisure!!:D
Haha - that's a good one, I reckon a few people will be printing that off and distributing it to all the worst culprits!
If this situation occurs, dont leave their company till they understand completely.......lol:D
I wonder how it would be if, one day, these people suddenly found themselves in the same boat?

I know you made some effort with that diet and exercise stuff,
But look ? your levels are rising! You didn?t try hard enough!
I saw you eat that chocolate! I saw you with that pie!
Not food for diabetics, a fact you can?t deny!

So please come with me quietly, you?ll find that we know best,
We might release you with a warning, after you?ve confessed ?
You can manage diabetes easily, but only if you try!
Admit we know much more than you, and please don?t question why!

You want to know what qualifies me to talk to you this way?
OK, then I?ll be honest and explain it if I may.
I don?t have diabetes, don?t really have a clue,
But I know it?s caused by sugar, and being fat and lazy too!

That gives me every right to say when you don?t feel so good,
You?ve brought it on yourself you fool, and don?t eat what you should!
We?ll lock you in a cake-free cell and throw away the key,
So try to exercise self-control, and model yourself on me!

Excuse me, I have to answer this, it?s about my glucose test?
My goodness! What?s come over me? I must sit down and rest!
He says I?m diabetic! That makes me just like you!
How terrible! How frightening! Please ? tell me what to do!

Very impressed Northerner.........I had read that you were a poet but this is the first one I have seen
I have a variation on the theme... I'm offered a cake or sweet or something i don't want (either coz i'm trying to give them up or because my blood glucose is sky high) i say "no thanks" and they say "Oh, sorry i forgot, you can't have those can you?".
I think I was the only person in our little school who liked semolina day... Then I was diagnosed and got a sliced up pear instead...

Gutted. Absolutely gutted. I liked liver as well. Maybe I'm just a freak of nature?!?
i get that all the time, but i just don't have the effort anymore to reply and give a detailed reason why.
i just continue to eat......... whether i should be or not is a different matter though ^^
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