I hate going to the flipping doctors!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Warning: This post contains self pity and other irrational emotional issues.

Why do i always feel worse when i come out than when i went in? It was my first annual diabetes check up today, and on the whole, it's good news. HBA1c, Cholesterol, blood pressure, kidney and thyroid function are all good, normal or well within range (5.6!!). This is something of a miracle coz i'm rubbish at taking my tablets except for my Metformin... This news is given to me by my diabetes practice nurse, who is brilliant. Unfortunately the one thing that hasn't fallen into acceptable limits is my weight... Blimey, i've only kicked a bar-a-day chocolate habit, given up full fat milk and coke and crisps and cake. How many calories do i have not to eat before i lose weight? The only way i seem to be able to shift the stuff is to have rampaging hyperglycemia and thyroid hormone levels, which obviously is what landed me in this mess in the first place...
That's not great, i'm now feeling guilty about the ammount of toast i eat...
Then it's in to see my GP, who seems to have a problem providing explainations for anything. He checks my feet, which came as a bit of a suprise, coz nobody has done that before in the last 12 months, but yeah, i know it's something that they like to do. I'm fairly confident that my feet are ok, it still hurts when i stub my toe and i still feel stones in my shoes... Anyway, there seems to be a problem with my right foot, he wants me to come back for a test and writes "doppler scan" on a piece of paper. My first reaction is "OMG! He thinks i've got DVT!!! I'm gonna have a heart attack!! How did that happen?". I ask about the thyroid function tests, about weither i should get another one, and end up getting flustered and upset because i'm explaining again about a problem i had with a hospital referal that got mixed up last march. (All the time thinking that this is the sort of thing that happens to my 80+ year old grandparents...) when he tells me to calm down. Calm down??? I'm the one with the chronic illness here mr!

(My type 1 co-worker says that they do this test to her all the time and doesn't mean i've got DVT, but my GP never said that...i'm sure my hyperchondria would be better if my doctor explained things to me.)

I leave feeling guilty about being overweight and having a toast addiction and sick and very very concious of being diabetic...
This wouldn't be so bad, but it being literally a year since i was diagnosed with the damned thing and it'be been at the forefront of my mind that this isn't going to go away, or get better, ever. In fact it's probably going to get worse someday. Which leads to the inevitable "why me?" I'm sick of it, i want to not feel guilty about what i eat, i want to be able to celebrate the end of the week with a bottle of wine and or large quantities of ice cream. I want to not have to take tablets every day, with the prospect of insulin dependance looming in the future someday. i want not to be paranoid everytime i get a cold, and not have a flipping aching arm for two days after my flu jab!!I don't want blood tests or eye tests or foot test or doppler tests. It's stupid and unrealistic i know ,but 18 months ago, i felt i was pretty much indestructable, i thought i was healthy and was likely to not have to trouble the NHS more than once every year or so with a chest infection, if i was unlucky. Oh, hell, i miss it...i feel bad about having to have time off work for drs appointments or the sick leave i needed last year to try and get my head around being diabetic. I feel so different to my friends and co-workers (even the diabetic ones). I know this is stupid, i know that this forum is full of people with worse problems than I have, and i'm really embarassed about being such a wuss and a whiner, but i'll feel better when this is off my chest. And you guys understand.
Sorry about that, thanks for listening

I can see that its gona take a while to digest this rant but firstly PLEASE dont appologise for ranting...this forum is great at dealing with all that we all do it ....great!!..now back to the rant...🙂
oh hun your going thro a hard time arent you ... but its okay...it will get better.. i went to my 1st aniversary diagnoises..like you all good.... but id put on 2 kgs since initally loosing weight ...my nusrey..whose lovely, told me not to worry it takes time.. but the main thing is infact i had lost weight overall in the last year, and very importantly my sugars were good 6.4 HbA1c i started with 7.7.... but iI now need to tackle the fats...remember however small the ajustments it all helps...infact i beleive very strongly that this isnt an instant thing...it all takes time...because then we allow our body to adjust to the sensations and then we get to know our bodys and aloow it to get used to changes ....Rant away especially here..its good for you!! 🙂
Gosh, don't EVER apologise for ranting - this is the best place for a good rant.

Sorry to read that you're feeling so down, Rachel, but from what I've read, feeling the way you do is actually all part and parcel of the diabetes. Now, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, seeing as you're hating on the diabetes so much atm, but on a positive note - brill that your figures for various bits and bobs are looking good.

As for the weight thing - it's so bl**dy annoying, isn't it, to make such drastic changes to your daily 'intake' and have such paltry results. I know, cos it's exactly the same for me. It's so disheartening. Hopefully it'll slowly but surely show some kind of difference long term. (yeah, I know, if someone said that to me I'd feel like punching them in the mush, too. )

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Thank you so much for your post.
Made me feel much better! Hope it did the same for you.
Perhaps we should start toast eaters anonomous.
Good luck with it all.
We're all in it together so never feel that you are alone in this.
Keep the faith
EAT TOAST...but make it wholemeal and as rough and grainy as you can...
An excellent account of how we all feel at some time or another!

Youve done brilliantly and you should be proud of getting good results. 🙂 Doctors can be sods sometimes at not explaining the whys, but at least yours is being thorough and doing lots of routine tests nice and early on.

Soooo feeling your pain with the wine and ice cream!!

Keep your chin up - we love a good rant on here 😱

Hi Rachel
Hope your rant has already helped you.
Re: Dopler test for feet - obviously, surgery has got a shiney new toy and wants to use it on everyone. However, a doctor can usually get a rough idea whether or not the blood flow to your feet is OK by feeling for temperature and pulses on your feet.
Re: Weight - sounds like you're doing the right things food wise. Just wondered about your exercise levels - not just sports / gym etc, but also walking / cycling instead of travelling by car where possible (also generally cheaper / more environmentally friendly)
Rachel - good news hidden in your post is your excellent HbA1c so don't forget to give yourself a well deserved pat on the back. Understand how you feel about your weight tho - it is so annoying to feel that you are giving up many foods and the weight still sticks. Took me 18 months to lose 10lbs and keep it off from point of diagnosis but now 2.5 stone down (3.5 stone over 3 years) so don't beat yourself up too badly. At my first annual review I was told I needed to lose more weight by a nurse who was vastly more overweight than I was - at least she had the good grace to remind me that it would be hard work and very difficult and not something she had ever achieved!
First reply

Not even sure if this will work..................my first attempt!

Sounds to me like your doing great. I've diabetic for 11 years, its the pits!
Spent all day yesterday in hospital following problems with my vision, I can't seem to find the dedication you have to get to grips with this bl**dy illness.

Its helped finding this site today, and reading your rant, so if nothing else, you've cheered me up!
Not even sure if this will work..................my first attempt!

Sounds to me like your doing great. I've diabetic for 11 years, its the pits!
Spent all day yesterday in hospital following problems with my vision, I can't seem to find the dedication you have to get to grips with this bl**dy illness.

Its helped finding this site today, and reading your rant, so if nothing else, you've cheered me up!

Hi Cheese, welcome to the forum! Hopefully, we'll be able to help you get some motivation and help out with any questions you might have. 🙂
Hi, it worked, I can't believe it..............hopeless technophobe!
Great site.
EAT TOAST...but make it wholemeal and as rough and grainy as you can...

And toast even better with no butter/spread and lashings of Marmite...

I think I'll slip a slice or two under now....
Welcome Cheese to the world of this diabetes forum! Congratulations on your technological breakthrough (not sarcastic) - you obviously had your doubts? Admin (currently on maternity leave, but she reads occasionally) will be pleased to hear you found the site she designed easy to use, as well as the content / members helpful.
Not even sure if this will work..................my first attempt!

Sounds to me like your doing great. I've diabetic for 11 years, its the pits!
Spent all day yesterday in hospital following problems with my vision, I can't seem to find the dedication you have to get to grips with this bl**dy illness.

Its helped finding this site today, and reading your rant, so if nothing else, you've cheered me up!

welcome aboard Cheese :D please do stick around, i'm sure you will find people's posts here very supportive and helpful 🙂
Hi Cheese, sorry to hear you were at the hospital all day yesterday. Hope today's a better day for you, and welcome btw.

Friendly site this one!

Firstly no sympathy, only myself to blame - bit scary though when your eye's start to be affected.

Secondly, Marmite - food of the Gods!
I'm glad i cheered you up cheese...i dunno how that worked but hey, i won't knock it.🙂 Welcome to the forum, it's marvellous.
I knew i could rely on you guys to by sympathetic and supportive. Thanks for all your replies.
I like the idea of the toast eating circle..i'm also a Marmite affectionardo, but worry coz it's high in salt. Still, can't have that much fat or sugar in..(thinks, may have to buy Marmite tomorrow...)

You sounding a lot happier now..🙂 aren't rants great!!
Warning: This post contains self pity and other irrational emotional issues.

Why do i always feel worse when i come out than when i went in? It was my first annual diabetes check up today, and on the whole, it's good news. HBA1c, Cholesterol, blood pressure, kidney and thyroid function are all good, normal or well within range (5.6!!). This is something of a miracle coz i'm rubbish at taking my tablets except for my Metformin... This news is given to me by my diabetes practice nurse, who is brilliant. Unfortunately the one thing that hasn't fallen into acceptable limits is my weight... Blimey, i've only kicked a bar-a-day chocolate habit, given up full fat milk and coke and crisps and cake. How many calories do i have not to eat before i lose weight? The only way i seem to be able to shift the stuff is to have rampaging hyperglycemia and thyroid hormone levels, which obviously is what landed me in this mess in the first place...
That's not great, i'm now feeling guilty about the ammount of toast i eat...
Then it's in to see my GP, who seems to have a problem providing explainations for anything. He checks my feet, which came as a bit of a suprise, coz nobody has done that before in the last 12 months, but yeah, i know it's something that they like to do. I'm fairly confident that my feet are ok, it still hurts when i stub my toe and i still feel stones in my shoes... Anyway, there seems to be a problem with my right foot, he wants me to come back for a test and writes "doppler scan" on a piece of paper. My first reaction is "OMG! He thinks i've got DVT!!! I'm gonna have a heart attack!! How did that happen?". I ask about the thyroid function tests, about weither i should get another one, and end up getting flustered and upset because i'm explaining again about a problem i had with a hospital referal that got mixed up last march. (All the time thinking that this is the sort of thing that happens to my 80+ year old grandparents...) when he tells me to calm down. Calm down??? I'm the one with the chronic illness here mr!

(My type 1 co-worker says that they do this test to her all the time and doesn't mean i've got DVT, but my GP never said that...i'm sure my hyperchondria would be better if my doctor explained things to me.)

I leave feeling guilty about being overweight and having a toast addiction and sick and very very concious of being diabetic...
This wouldn't be so bad, but it being literally a year since i was diagnosed with the damned thing and it'be been at the forefront of my mind that this isn't going to go away, or get better, ever. In fact it's probably going to get worse someday. Which leads to the inevitable "why me?" I'm sick of it, i want to not feel guilty about what i eat, i want to be able to celebrate the end of the week with a bottle of wine and or large quantities of ice cream. I want to not have to take tablets every day, with the prospect of insulin dependance looming in the future someday. i want not to be paranoid everytime i get a cold, and not have a flipping aching arm for two days after my flu jab!!I don't want blood tests or eye tests or foot test or doppler tests. It's stupid and unrealistic i know ,but 18 months ago, i felt i was pretty much indestructable, i thought i was healthy and was likely to not have to trouble the NHS more than once every year or so with a chest infection, if i was unlucky. Oh, hell, i miss it...i feel bad about having to have time off work for drs appointments or the sick leave i needed last year to try and get my head around being diabetic. I feel so different to my friends and co-workers (even the diabetic ones). I know this is stupid, i know that this forum is full of people with worse problems than I have, and i'm really embarassed about being such a wuss and a whiner, but i'll feel better when this is off my chest. And you guys understand.
Sorry about that, thanks for listening


Yeah, what she said🙂 (couldn't have put it better myself)
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