I Give up with Doctors and a certain hospital.


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Sorry that this might get long and rambling and at times graphic for which I apologise, but I'm at the end of my tether with medical problems and now I can't keep my sugar levels resembling anything like normal.
For most of this year I've managed to keep BG around an average of 8 even with other medical stuff and auto immune diseases. Back in March I was blue lighted into Gloucester Royal Hospital after my morning Carer found me in a state of distress. I'd spent the night awake after a serious bout of diarrhea. It was painful like acid and water escaping. I was dehydrated and hooked up to a drip. After tests I was told my infection markers were up, They didn't know where the infection was but go home and it wll pass. A week later the same happened. Fast forward and the fifth episode happened when I was on holiday in France and was blue lighted into Lucon hospital. Nothing but praise for the French health system. Within half an hour I was seen by a Doctor and in a scanner having the lower half looked at. They saw that the lower bowel was inflamed and I was hooked up to IV antibiotics and Saline. I eventually managed to escape the hospital with antibiotics and painkillers and after grabbing my stuff from my Mobile Home made a dash back to the UK. I decided as French is not good enough I needed to be able to understand what was happening.

Within 2 hours of arriving home I was back in an ambulance heading for Gloucester. I waited and I waited and finally in the morning was seen by a decent Consultant. I had a full report from Lucon as well as a disc with images on but up until then n-one would even look at it. This Consultant's mother was French and he was fluent. Having read the report he just said 'You're not going anywhere but into isolation Sir. We need to do some tests but I think I know part of the problem'. Fast forward and he was right in that I was C-Diff positive and suspected Colitis. 2 weeks in a side room that was filthy dirty when was put in it despite the cleaning staff saying it had been deep cleaned. Luckily the nice Nurses will back me up and they at least cleaned the bathroom even though it wasn't their job.

I've had the camera up the bum job and 4 biopsies taken but I wasn't asked if they could do that and I still have no idea why and no-one could tell me. After the 10 day course of anti-biotics had finished and I have been in there 2 and a half weeks I discharged myself for safety and protocol breaches. The tablets I was given were wrong 4 times and to top it all my sugars kept rising when they arrived late every morning to finally give me my insulin pen. No mount of asking would get them to get there before 9.30. The last day the first BG test was 12.9 rising to 14.4 when hey ambled in.

Friday I rang my GP as my readings were bouncing between 7.1 and 18.6 on Thursday and 11.2 18.6 on Friday. It was too late to get bloods taken so we had a plan that I will ring Monday if things didn't settle down I would ring 111 for help. Saturday I started at 15.2, hovered around that until 12.50 when it started rising. 111 arranged for a Clinician to ring me and they sorted an out of hours Doctors appointment for 3.30. My sister came up from Bristol as I felt unsafe to drive and she's a Bio Medical Scientist who stands no nonsense. Then it really started 12.50, 16.6, 13.09, 17.5 (no food all day so far), 13.40 19.6 and when we got to the hospital to see the Doctor I felt strange and was rushed into resuss with a reading of 21.3. As they are only a MIU they rang immediately for an ambulance and I was out of it.

The Doctor in Gloucester Royal Hospital eventually saw me 3 hours after I got there. We'll do some blood tests but I doubt anything will show. He ignored the fact that 5 days before I was an inpatient and he ignored the sugar level reading. Why are you here? Who sent you? You need to lose weight. You need to exercise more. Your diabetic nurse should not have put you on insulin as you don't need it if you ate a sensible diet. Bear in mind I know I am overweight with a BMI of 30 but with degenerative arthritis in my back and have a dodgy disc exercise is difficult. I can barely walk 50 yards without having to stop. After the blood results came back he said they were excellent and inferred I was a fraud and only wanted to get my hands on strong painkillers and he wanted me out. He lied. My medically trained sister who tests blood for all sorts of things asked a nurse some probing questions and she admitted all my infection markers were up. I had no choice but to leave.

Today I have slept loads, drunk loads of water and somehow got through it. Sugar levels 14.3 when I woke up to 21.1 this evening and will see what I can sort tomorrow with my GP who knows me well.

Does anyone else have Colitis and do they get these problems? I've hardly eaten for 2 days to try and keep the levels down but that hasn't worked. I also increased the insulin. I can't get my head around all this and what's going on and I have had enough. The only thing I know is I have a follow up appointment with the Gastro team maybe in 6 weeks. Knowing Gloucester I will have to chase that up but I don't have the energy.
After reading this @AndyGlos I can well understand your anger and frustration...and you've got a right to be...here's hoping you are able to lower your sugar levels to an acceptable level.
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So sorry to hear about everything you have been going through, and about your diagnosis with colitis.

A former regular member (and ex-GP) @mikeyB lived with colitis, but he’s not been on the forum so much recently.

Infection and injury often raise BG levels, as hormones are released as part of a stress-response. Are you on medication like steroids for your back/disc injury? Steroids have a real reputation for raising BG levels, and can even induce diabetes in some people.

Is your insulin working OK? Is it having any effect but just not quite enough? Has it been out of the fridge for a while? Or did you take it to France with you (insulin can begin to degrade if exposed to high temperatures).

Perhaps try a fresh vial/pen/cartridge to see if that is more effective?
I have Ulcerative colitis and to be honest I can't say it affects my glucose levels to any appreciable extent. I was diagnosed UC and D at the same time so they've always coexisted for me.
So sorry to hear about everything you have been going through, and about your diagnosis with colitis.

A former regular member (and ex-GP) @mikeyB lived with colitis, but he’s not been on the forum so much recently.

Infection and injury often raise BG levels, as hormones are released as part of a stress-response. Are you on medication like steroids for your back/disc injury? Steroids have a real reputation for raising BG levels, and can even induce diabetes in some people.

Is your insulin working OK? Is it having any effect but just not quite enough? Has it been out of the fridge for a while? Or did you take it to France with you (insulin can begin to degrade if exposed to high temperatures).

Perhaps try a fresh vial/pen/cartridge to see if that is more effective?
Hi Mike and thanks for the reply. I rang my surgery first thing not expecting to get past the Receptionist but she said no telephone call you have a face to face at 11 am !

I'm not on any steroids thankfully but am pretty certain there's an infection somewhere again. My guts have started to go haywire this morning. When I woke up I was 'only' 13.8 but after 1 coffee and plenty of water have gone to just below 16. And I took 14 units of Novomix 30.

I changed the insulin pen after I got back from France as I have been warned about the problem you mention, on the way out I have a car travel fridge to keep things cook. And in hospital I was using fresh phials that they provided.

At least this morning I can chat to someone I can trust and ask awkward questions. I can show that before this episode of colitis I was managing well with 75% of the time in target and now it's only 27%. If there's anything to report later I'll let you know.
I have Ulcerative colitis and to be honest I can't say it affects my glucose levels to any appreciable extent. I was diagnosed UC and D at the same time so they've always coexisted for me.
Thanks for that and very timely as I had just done a reply. Very useful info as I can say I've had that information when I see the Doc shortly.
Well that all seemed a waste of time. Sand and cement tablets to try and firm up the bottom end and increased both the morning and evening insulin.
Yet again treating the symptoms but not looking for the cause and asked to write a formal complaint about Gloucester Hospital. You know what I really can't be arsed. I'll increase insulin and just sit back and whatever happens, happens.