i finally have an answer - yippee

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi guys

a while ago i told you all that i was having seizures, and had no idea why?
i have today seen a specialist, she has confirmed that the seizures are not related to the diabetes , but are in fact epilepsy i not sure how i feel, releived that i know what they are, but its another thing to cope with, will go on medication for them once i have had an EEG she also has told me that i have to keep a check on my blood sugar so monitoring is a must and as you are aware my surgery did not what me to test .

this leaves my with a question, now that the consultant wants me to keep testing to make sure it is not a factor with the epilepsy, will i be able to get my test strips and lancets via a prescription and comments would be good.

thanks angie
It must be a relief to know at last, now you do know you'll be able to focus on the solution rather than the problem. I hope they can get your meds sorted out quickly and you'll be feeling much better very soon.
It must be a relief to know at last, now you do know you'll be able to focus on the solution rather than the problem. I hope they can get your meds sorted out quickly and you'll be feeling much better very soon.

Thats just what I was going to write! What a relief to have your answers....I guess it is now knowing how to feel about it all.

I was just wondering if there is an epilepsy forum type thing this this for us? I expect people would be willing to share their experiences?

You must have had a very worrying time, I hope this is the first step in a bit of stability now for you.

Look after yourself hon xx
Hi Angie, sorry to hear about the epilepsy, but it does mean you can now get proper treatment for it. I would think that you must definitely be given the strips now - they are essential and I don't see how your doctor can object.
Hi answered in your other thread as well, im pleased you have the answer to all the seizures now but sorry to hear about the epilespy, i have experience with epilepsy so if you ever need to have a chat or ask anything mail me xx
Ask your Consultant to write to your gp and request them. I hope your feeling less worried and at least you know what your dealing with.🙂Bev
Epilepsy is not good, but it is treatable and can be controlled. You now have another reason to test, so agree with Bev, ask your consultant to conatct your GP with the advice you need to test.
hi guys

a while ago i told you all that i was having seizures, and had no idea why?
i have today seen a specialist, she has confirmed that the seizures are not related to the diabetes , but are in fact epilepsy i not sure how i feel, releived that i know what they are, but its another thing to cope with, will go on medication for them once i have had an EEG she also has told me that i have to keep a check on my blood sugar so monitoring is a must and as you are aware my surgery did not what me to test .

this leaves my with a question, now that the consultant wants me to keep testing to make sure it is not a factor with the epilepsy, will i be able to get my test strips and lancets via a prescription and comments would be good.

thanks angie

interesting to see someone else has had the same experience as me.... I was having seizures, which I thought were hypo related, but after a while I began to question whether they actually were and like you after having tests, it turned out to be a mild form of epilepsy.
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