I finally did it - I corrected myself!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
...and not my spelling, grammar or punctuation - my blood sugar! After being all smug and self-satisfied and boasting that I'd only had 5 hypos in the last 30 days, I've had 5 in the last two! I've been lowering my doses to try and counter it, but not quite getting it right, obviously. Before tea last night I was 3.2, so I gave myself an appropriately reduced dose and ate a hearty meal of sausage, mash, peas and carrots, plus a nectarine and chocolate biscuit. When it came to test before bed I was half expecting to have to go reaching for the peanut butter - but I was 13.1! Goodness knows why. This was 4.5 hours after my tea, so I guess it was a late spike, perhaps from the mash, although I've never had that before.

After all the talk here about corrections, I thought I should perhaps try it, although I was nervous about correcting before bed. I gave myself 2 units then went to play on the computer for a bit. An hour later I was 7.8 and worried I might have given myself too much. However, I woke at 3 am (not deliberately, I felt the call of the porcelain bowl) and tested - I was 4.9. I woke this morning to 5.0

well done northener a huge sigh of relief at last huh!
Fantastic news. It just goes to show what you can do when you try, although some times we need a little psh.
Fantastic news.....🙂

Well done Northener,

Maybe part of the high was due to the rebound of a low, doesn't the body chuck out more glucose to try and sort it self out when we have a low? I often go sky high after a low 3 reading, and shake all over for the world!!
Well done Northener,

Maybe part of the high was due to the rebound of a low, doesn't the body chuck out more glucose to try and sort it self out when we have a low? I often go sky high after a low 3 reading, and shake all over for the world!!

It is possible Rossi, although I don't normally have any rebound effect. I suspect I just underestimated my dose at teatime because of the hypos I'd been having. You just can't trust this diabetes thing can you?😱😉
In a word, No!!

On another note, I hope you were aware that you were low, I know you normally are well controlled, and with good numbers, but I believe that if you're always lowish it can affect hypo awareness, I'm just hoping your haven't lost your awareness.
Glad it all worked out fine, at least now you've done it once having to do it again shouldn't be a big deal, although obviously we hope that you don't have to do it too much!
Thank god for this news northener. Its a good thing this has happened because to tell the honest truth Ive never really believed you actually have diabetes 100%, I think you just like this forum...😉
Hi Northerener,

With your good control and significantly reduced basal doses I was beginning to wonder if you were really diabetic at all 😛

Thats great news it worked and well done for being brave enough to do a bedtime one for your first correction 🙂

I wrote this poem about correcting:

The Blood Sugar Spike Correction Facility

Welcome you inmates ? and show some humility ?
To the Blood Sugar Spike Correction Facility!
You?ve all been brought here, I think you know why,
For sending the blood sugar of people too high!

Pasta! Step forward! I don?t mean next week!
You seem to like dodging the Insulin Peak!
And you can stop sniggering Baked Potato and Beans,
You?ll be next to find out what the ?Correction? word means?!

Now, get in that stomach and don?t misbehave,
We?re going to subject you to a pump dual wave!
And Beans ? on your own you seem to be fine,
It?s with Baked Potato you step out of line!

And all of you others ? the Pizza and Cheese,
You won?t get away doing just as you please!
We?ll hose you with Insulin till you realise the futility
Of ending up here at the Correction Facility!

Lovin the poem!!

well done on the correction too, dont think many days go by that i dont have to do a correction, usually to do with my cheeky little treats🙄:D
I wrote this poem about correcting:

The Blood Sugar Spike Correction Facility


Ha ha thanks for cheering me up. A good one! :D Are you telling me you've never had to correct, or are you just talking about the risk of doing it at bedtime and risking an overnight hypo!! Like Tracey, I'm often correcting for 'snacks' or when I haven't quite got the dose tright for big meals. Because I'm an evening grazer, often correct at bedtime, altho' I'm a bit more wary of doing this now due to what I've learnt on this forum (thanks again folks.) 🙂
Love the poem....another classic....🙂

Wooooo Well done Northerner !! , Welcome to the world of correction doses , hopefully it will not be somewhere you frequent 😉
Thank god for this news northener. Its a good thing this has happened because to tell the honest truth Ive never really believed you actually have diabetes 100%, I think you just like this forum...😉

What Sugarbum said! lol, I guess you really do have diabetes then :(:D
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