I feel really sad - Granny problems again

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My poor little Granny is having major problems again with her Diabetes again and having spoken to social services, her dr and herself we have all come to the conclusion she needs to be in a home.

Mum and Aunt have stuck there head in the sand and my sister and I have taken the bull by the horn and are starting to put things in place.

Poor Granny really cannot look after herself now and it really saddens me.
That is sad Di, sorry to hear it. My mum had to go into a home when it no longer became safe for her to be in her flat alone. I hope that you are able to find somewhere nice for her where you can visit regularly and she will be happy and comfortable, and well looked after.
My poor little Granny is having major problems again with her Diabetes again and having spoken to social services, her dr and herself we have all come to the conclusion she needs to be in a home.

Mum and Aunt have stuck there head in the sand and my sister and I have taken the bull by the horn and are starting to put things in place.

Poor Granny really cannot look after herself now and it really saddens me.

You are doing the right thing,you are doing it for her, don't be too sad, she sounds a very much loved granny. How old is she? sheena
My aunt, now in her 80s has been in a home since a series of strokes left her with serious mobility problems. It's close to where she lived and worked most of her life so she can still see her friends, she gets the level of care she needs and is pretty happy there. I know it's hard, but you must realise you're doing the best you can for your gran in order that she can continue to have a decent quality of life so don't beat yourselves up over it.
Hi Di,

I'm sorry to hear about your Granny. It must have been very hard decision but I suppose it's for the best. She'll have the right amount of care and hopefully she'll feel a bit better within herself.
Don't be too hard on your mum and your aunt. It is very, very difficult to watch a parent decline and for a child to make decisions about their parents. No matter how old you are, they are still your parents and the natural order seems wrong when you are making these hard decisions. Very emotional.

They will be grateful you and your sister have stepped up but perhaps never actually say so.

Be strong and stay kind.
Di don't be sad, It is for your grans benefit. I have seen many people struggle to care for aged relatives and hold down full time jobs only to become too ill to cope themselves. Granny will be looked after and cared for, have company when she wants it and everyone will be able to visit when they want.
Thanks guys for your kind words.

Sis and I are going to sit with Granny on Sunday afternoon and talk through things with her and make sure she understands what needs to happen.

Granny admitted to sis that she really does not want to be on her own anymore and things are way to difficult for her. So hopefully Granny is now in the mind set of the home.

I just hate it that I physically cannot do more for her - I talked to my husband about it and said maybe we should get somewhere with a granny flat, but as he pointed she will still be on her own most of the day as I work full time.
Hi Di

I'm sorry to hear that, it is such a difficult decision to make. My nan is getting that way and she refuses that she'll ever go into a home. I suppose at least she has admitted that she needs the help that a home can give her. I hope that it works out for you all xx
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