I feel quite ill

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I feel absolutly shocking today, really off.

Did anyone else feel ill when they first starting injecting?
I feel like I did when I started Metformin and am having a dodgy tum.

Good news is this week I've had a 6.8, 6.6 and a 6.3 this morning coming down.
Hi, can't asnwer regarding insulin, but there seem to be a lot of upset tummies around at the moment. I know several people who have had them, they last a couple of days. Keep up the non sweetend fluids and if necessary see the doctor.
No I didnt feel ill when I started injecting, infact i felt much better.

I had an upset tummy last week though?

Numbers are great, see it will be worth it!:D
I suspect they aren't linked as insulin doesn't cause gastro side effects. Great numbers, have you kept the same insulin dose?
Hope you are feeling better. At least it is not so cold today which helps.
Me Too!

I feel absolutly shocking today, really off.

Did anyone else feel ill when they first starting injecting?
I feel like I did when I started Metformin and am having a dodgy tum.

Good news is this week I've had a 6.8, 6.6 and a 6.3 this morning coming down.

I have been told that Insulin does not affect your tummy....However, I have felt the same as yourself Dizzydi....I have had upset tummy, bloated, then really hungry, and my toilet (Poops) has changed! I've not been feeling that great, I thought it could not be Insulin related but was unsure, though every time my tummy settles after a few days, then I am told to up my Insulin (Only on 16 units Levimer so far) My tummy starts playing up again?....I think there must be a select few who are affected this way maybe? My tummy is ultra sensitive though, I have gall bladder and Pancreaus problems, perhaps this does not help? I a only on my third week of Insulin so perhaps it will settle after time.

Anyway, hope you feel better soon, keep battling on!

Ellowyne xXx
hope you both feeling better, it doesn't sound improbably that your stomach is upset, you're injecting something into your body and it will do what it will do, as well all know!! 😉

Just a note of something that happened to me, after my second injection my stomach was in agony, like some sort of cramp quite severe for a couple of hours, hope no-one else suffers for this it wasn't pleasant.

I have been told that Insulin does not affect your tummy....However, I have felt the same as yourself Dizzydi....I have had upset tummy, bloated, then really hungry, and my toilet (Poops) has changed! I've not been feeling that great, I thought it could not be Insulin related but was unsure, though every time my tummy settles after a few days, then I am told to up my Insulin (Only on 16 units Levimer so far) My tummy starts playing up again?....I think there must be a select few who are affected this way maybe? My tummy is ultra sensitive though, I have gall bladder and Pancreaus problems, perhaps this does not help? I a only on my third week of Insulin so perhaps it will settle after time.

Anyway, hope you feel better soon, keep battling on!

Ellowyne xXx

Hi Ellowyn,
I know what you mean with the tummy stuff - mine is like when I started on Metformin and not nice. I have started on 4 units and have to increase this. I have the urge to sleep for britain - I'm just as tired when I wake up in the morning as when I go to bed - but maybe that's just the time of year.

What time of day do you inject ?
When was you diagnosed? What age (If you don't mind me asking)
Do you have a family history of diabetes?
Boy I'm being nosey.

It's good to chat to folk who are going through the same thing at the same time. Let me know how you get on with your injecting.

Di xxx
feeling a little sad today 🙂

Hi Ellowyn,
I know what you mean with the tummy stuff - mine is like when I started on Metformin and not nice. I have started on 4 units and have to increase this. I have the urge to sleep for britain - I'm just as tired when I wake up in the morning as when I go to bed - but maybe that's just the time of year.

What time of day do you inject ?
When was you diagnosed? What age (If you don't mind me asking)
Do you have a family history of diabetes?
Boy I'm being nosey.

It's good to chat to folk who are going through the same thing at the same time. Let me know how you get on with your injecting.

Di xxx

Hi Di, please, ask as many questions as you like, no worries 🙂

I Inject at 9pm each night. I chose this time because it is a quiet time, the phone unlikly to ring, house settling down ect.

I was diagnosed, oh, about 9 months ago now, I must check out the actual date myself!...I was 44 when diagnosed.

Yes, we do have history of Diabetes in my family. However, I am also very overweight ect, classic Diabetic type 2 and brought it all on myself 🙄

As well as all this, I have only become very unwell in the past two/three years after some severe problems with my back!....Oh boy, it's a real long story, but bad meds, lost 6 stone very quickly, all good as I needed to lose the weight! Became very dependent on prescribed Opiate drugs for my back pain. Me addicted, never even smoked and ciggy and don't drink! This was, followed 11 months later by bad, self withdrawel, from prescribed opitates.

When I was at my worst on the Fentanyl *cringes at the word* I almost died. Respiration failing, liver in a state, the list goes on!

So, anyway, 2 months after being off the horrible drug, I was admitted to hospital with severe stomach pain and vomiting. I was diagnosed with suspected pancreautis (Don't know the spelling) and also gall stones, my gall bladder had become severly inflammed. This was to be the first of a subsequent 4 hospital admissions within a space of 6 months....and a stay of 3/4 days each time :(

On my third admission I was diagnosed with Diabetes. On my forth admission I was admitted, pancreaus again and gallbladder, and, my blood sugars were upto 29. I was put on an Insulin intro drip for nearly four days.

I guess what I am trying to say is, I had a pretty horrendous time and my body has never been the same since Fentanyl, in fact I feel that I have aged some 10 years or more. I am still on many drugs for my back, no opiates.
I have permanent nerve damage down my left leg, impared liver function, that shoots through the roof if I am unwell as well as my Blood sugars.

You see, I do beleive, in some way, that all that I went through somehow had something to do with the onset of my diabetes. Fentanyl effects the pancreaus, gall bladder and liver. All these play a viatal part with your blood sugars and how they are prosessed....if only I had the money to hire a clinical researcher!! Lol!

There, bet you wished you had'nt asked now, lol! Sorry, I have gone on, I've kind of been down today, sorry it all spilled out here 😱

I hope you feel better soon, Di, as I say, I am on 16 units at this time and I check in with my DSN next Monday....probably for a further increase!

I don't have any probs with injectiong, only emotional issues, gets to us all at times I guess.....all the best, we have to keep going a, or what is the alternative!.....Love to all, Ellowyne xXx
Hello Di and Ellowynne, I'm wondering if it is not the actual insulin but the effect it is having on you - clearly it is there to help your blood sugars, but it is also something that your body has been lacking for some time. It's hard to pinpoint the cause, but I went through something similar in the early months since my diagnosis. I was on a lot of drugs for various things also, so they may have been responsible, hard to say. If it is causing concern, then do let your doctor know. Hopefully, it will settle before long - try and cheer yourselves up by thinking of how it is helping your levels.🙂
HI Ellowyn & Northerner,
Hope you are both well and hope your feeling a little bit more positive today Ellowyne.
I still feel a little of this morning, but not as bad as yesterday. BS was 4.9 this morning I nearly fainted - in my haed I expexted 7+.

Ellowyn sounds like you have a really bad time pre diagnoses must have been horrendous. & Might I add don't put the blame on yourself either xx

I was 35 (April 08) when I was diagnosed bit over weight and it runs in my family to. Think I have had a very easy ride with it until now. Lost 3 stone, did lots of running etc. If it wasn't for my desire to start a family I don't think I would have been put on insulin yet.
Love Di xx
Ellowynne, I suffer from colitis and insulin didn't aggravate my stomach when I started injecting so don't know if gall bladder problems would be effected by insulin.
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