I feel OK but

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm doing Ok coping with diabetes but the blight of my life is forever running to the loo. I don't have an infection so Dr has said my BP pill Perindopirol could be doing it. Have always taken it in the morning so he said to take it at night. Things a bit better but I'm really cheesed off still going about once every hour and a half. I'm not hydrated as I know that can cause problems. I just seem to make a lot of urine. Anyone else had this problem and what was the solution.
Should read Dehydrated not hydrrated. Got the wrong head on to-day
Hi, sorry to hear you're still having problems with this. Do you test? If so, then perhaps your levels are on the high side which will make you need to go more often. I only really experienced this in the first few months after diagnosis, always having to get up in the night. Now I can usually sleep through until morning. It may be the BP pills - there are usually alternatives you can take if you are getting side-effects from the one you are currently on, so might be worth exploring with your GP. Hope you find a solution, it can be such a pain!
Have a chat to the doctor about the blood pressure pills. I had to change mine a couple of times before I got the right ones. Miine made me cough thoe
Thanks Northerner. Strange thing is I never have to get up during the night. Maybe a change of pills is the answer. I will be seeing the nurse who specialises diabetes on the 10th so will have a good chat with her. She is really good. Me being me I put up with things for months even years then I get to the point where enough is enough. Normally I'm a happy wee soul. butnow I'm really chessed of with it. Shouldn't complain really as reading these boards there are so many people with a lot more problems than me. I think you guys are great.
Hi, dont know about bp pills and their effects, so i suppose it could be this that is making you weee a lot.

What are your bg readings? As northener has mentioned if high then you will want to urinate more often, as over 10mmol the kidneys will start to leak glucose causing dehydration, causing thirst, causing more urination etc etc.
Thanks everyone. My BG test are fine. I am managinging to keep within the 4to 7 and at the most around 9 after meals. Me thinks maybe it is the BP pills, thanks again will have a chat again to Doc.
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