i feel like mr magoo

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
my vision is very blurred and i feel like mr magoo .this is the worst i have had it i think will mention it to my nurse tomorow
Seeing your nurse sounds like a good plan. Have you checked your blood glucose level? You might have been overdoing the carbs over the Xmas holiday.

Take care Dodger
my vision is very blurred and i feel like mr magoo .this is the worst i have had it i think will mention it to my nurse tomorow

I had this prob before diabetes was diagnosed.
Bought new specs😡

Later had bg test and it was > 31

Since bg steady 5 - 10, blurred vision gone and have reverted to previous optician's prescription.
Have you tested regularly over the holiday period? As C*5_Dodger suggests, the carb intake may have been high.
I find my eyes are blurred if my sugars are too high. Then I know I have to be carefull what I eat and that a nice walk or other gentle physical activity is a good idea.

Good idea talking to medical team if you are worried, or getting eye test if you are due one.
You may like to know that blurry vision is caused by high glucose concentration in the eye (which comes from having high blood sugars) which changes its refractive properties. Lowering blood sugar allows the concentration of glucose in the eye to normalise thus correcting the problem.
Hi and wishing a happy New Year to all.
I don't get blurred vision, but one of my low sugar level warnings is a watery eyes feeiling when I blink. It's a bit like when you are out walking in really cold/frosty weather - if that makes any sense?
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