I feel better.....with a little sting in the tail

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Guys,

Hope we are putting up the good, positive fight. I do feel better, and am being more compassionate to myself. Even better, I noticed the dizzy feelings I would get have gone.I suspect that was down to my blood pressure. Since I stopped doing the wrong exercises ( plans etc) and the new blood pressure meds, seems to have worked. I was in denial and reluctant to take them at first, but I decided to trust my GP , and the BP readings and take them so all good. Will check my readings later, but I do feel better. Onwards and Upwards
Ah that’s great to hear @rustee2011 - glad things are improving for you, and well done for being kind to yourself.

Keep on keeping on matey!
Hi Guys, I went out for my walk, it felt quite good too. I am learning that I need to be more compassionate with myself, and that it's a process. Yesterday, I forgot my morning medications. Only realised when I was out to work. As it's an increased dosage I take in the morning I just waited until I returned home and took my evening dosage instead. I had a full english yesterday at the cafe opposite Arsenal FC. Lunch was a muffin and oreo cookie small pack with a cup of tea.

Dinner was chicken tikka masala - I had some more oreo cookies with my tea and then went to bed a few hours later.
I know the reason for the dip in my mood - I did a foolish thing yesterday. I wrote a little note to a couple of people respectively saying that I had feelings for them.......MISTAKE MISTAKE MISTAKE. They both were unimpressed. Most likely destroyed the friendships I had with them.

Foolish, foolish foolish. Onwards and Upwards
I did a foolish thing yesterday. I wrote a little note to a couple of people respectively saying that I had feelings for them.......MISTAKE MISTAKE MISTAKE. They both were unimpressed. Most likely destroyed the friendships I had with them.

Don‘t be too harsh on yourself @rustee2011 - you were honest about your feelings, and that takes bravery. I’m sure the friendships will survive, and perhaps even be stronger - at least the will be if they are worthwhile.
Thanks Buddy.
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