I dont want to be diabetic anymore . . .

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Because I really, really am not in the mood this morning.

Got in from work last night, tested at 8.3 just before taking the dog out. Got home and within 10 mins hit 2.5!! No idea where that came from, it wasn?t a particularly long or strenuous walk by any stretch of the imagination and I wasn?t exactly low to start with!

So I hit the cereal. Now I know DAFNE says treat with 10g of carbohydrate but I defy anyone in a house on their own and that low, to be able to stop after 10g when your entire body is screaming for food. I had the full hypo works, shaky, sweats blah blah but topped with numb tingly feet, hands and face, buckling knees, confusion and panic!

I only had one bowl, but it was a large bowl, and all we had was fruit and fibre, which I find difficult to manage normally because of the resulting spike. I ate it came back round and collapsed on the sofa feeling sorry for myself. Brad came home and we had dinner, he had to cook it because I was still pretty out of it with a nasty hypo hangover.

By 10pm im thinking the worst is over and im just feeling the after effects (noticed I was going to the loo a bit more frequently than normal but figured I was probably running a bit high which was probably safer after such a crashing low). I went to bed and did the normal pre bed blood test . . . 32.6😱!!!!!!! I nearly fell out of bed, so thinking it must be a mistake I went a washed my hands and tested again . . . 32.6😱!

On the one hand I was mildly impressed at my meters consistency, on the other I was terrified. Instant ketone test, negative thankfully, and a few pints of water later im laying in bed waiting for the minutes to tick by so I can get some desperately needed sleep. Finally hit single figures at 3am.

4.5 hours later the alarm clock went off this morning and surprise surprise im in the 2?s again.

Im now sitting at my desk, looking like I got dressed in a very dark wind tunnel (!) with stomach cramps, kidney pain and a headache that im sure other people can hear (!!!), wondering why its all gone wrong again.

A few days without it so I can recover, is that really too much to ask for?

awwwwww big hugs ...not comming down with something i hope ??
Sounds awful hun, I hope that the headache clears and you start to feel better soon. Can you take tomorrow off and have a long weekend maybe?

I agree with you, some hypos there is no way it's possible to stick to the rules, you have to just eat until you don't feel low anymore.
awww im sorry ur feeling so crap , im like you i go into auto pilot when im hypo and gorge on food and then get the rebound later from it , a couple of peeps on here sugested i make a hypo box so i dont over eat putting the right ammount of gluco tabs and a buiscit in it , i think we all have days like yours and feel like poo and get all the emotional stuff that goes with it , when i feel like u i just write the day off and sit in a sulk infront of the t.v lol , tomorrows another day.... its why im glad this support is here as i find it does help to rite it all down ,
feel better soon and take care x
It was a huge struggle this morning (and i really do look like a child did my make up!) but I had 2 days off last week because my pump battery died in the middle of the night after I slept through the alarms. Woke up feeling awful and with ketones and took 2 days to get over that. I worry that work will think im a liability or using it as an excuse.

Weve had a change in management since last time i said id had a few issues and they are very supportive and understanding, im just a bit paranoid of making it an issue for them.
Big hugs Viki - sorry you feel so rubbish, I think not over treating hypos is one of the hardest things. Hopefully if you get an early night tonight, you will not feel so bad tomorrow.
So sorry to hear you are having a hard time Viki. I think you are entitled to take time off if you are sick. Work should understand that, afterall Diabetes is a condition that unfortunately doesn't always let you lead as normal and uncomplicated life as you'd wish. I have just come back from the eye hospital as I am having complications with my eyes at the moment. Very hard to cope with but luckily they are just keeping a close eye on me (excuse the pun) and not having to do any laser.

I also had a really bad hypo on Monday morning and felt so sick which I haven't experienced much before but it made it difficult to get my blood sugars up as I couldn't eat or drink anything without being sick. Then I had the worlds most awful headache for most of the day. Totally know how you feel about not wanting to be diabetic anymore I have felt like that a lot lately!!

Chin up though I am sure you will feel better soon and normality will be restored. 🙂
Sound's like a really rough couple of days. Your bound to feel down about things, I hope that things improve soon and you feel better x
Hi Vik

Sounds like cracking couple of days!!

Hope ur cool now and the blood's are back to normal.

Hate the panic thoughts when your get that low and like you say you eat quick just to recover quickly and then pay for it later. Jelly babies and digestives defo the way to go for me when these scary lows happen.

You can blame the dog for this one!! Ha ha

Try and chill the weekend. Apparently it's gonna rain and b cold so get the DVD's in!!

xxxxxxxxxxx big hugs lovely xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

d sucks....but we all have each other for support..am sat here hypo as I type.....damn the betes!!!!!!

Sorry to hear that Viki, hope you're in a better place by now and will have a good weekend. I know what you mean though I would be amazed at two readings exactly the same.

Take care

Rossi 🙂
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the messages! Felt rough as yesterday, but better today. And v.glad its Friday.

Levels running around 9/10, which i think ill live with for a few days once im sure the hypos have stopped.

I like the idea of pre-preparing little boxes of hypo treatment so im not scrabbling around eating anything i can find 🙂

And Lawless, i defo think a duvet/dvd night might be on the cards after that weather report!!

glad u r on the up hun...know how horrible it can be....

I have a hypo hangover from last nite and bloods are 13...awesome!!!!!

I'm glad your feeling better today 🙂 x
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