i dont understand how this can be

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
6 hrs after lunch with no afternoon snack and before evening meal I'm at 14.8!

I don't understand why this would be. Has any one got any ideas or theory's

Confused Di x :(
Oh bother hun thats spoilt your kfc then, what did you have for lunch? xx
That is very unusual Di. I sometimes rise higher than expected and it's generally a basal insulin issue. Could be possibly an absorbtion problem, either getting absorbed too quickly or too slowly. Or did you possibly do anything strenuous late afternoon? Exercise can make your levels rise if there's not enough 'circulating' insulin and you novorapid would have all gone around 4-5 hours after lunch. If it was me, I'd have a correction dose of novorapid and keep an eye on things with hourly tests.

Try not to let it spoil your evening, it might just be a one-off 'no real reason' thing :confused:
Hi guys.

I had 2 slices of brown seeded, with a slice of beef, lettuce and low fat salad cream. I played couch potato all afternoon and fell asleep about 4 ish.

I only inject Novorapid with eve meal at mo 4 units.

Just waiting for kfc only gonna have a little nibble.

Di xxx
Sounds like the Diabetes Fairy is waving her 'evil' wand today :( Enjoy your nibbles though Di! 🙂

p.s. just wondered if you tried retesting after washing your hands etc.? It can happen that you have got something on your finger which affects the reading.
Hi Di,

Hope the further tests are okay - and if so - hope you really enjoy the chicken!

Fingers crossed for you.
4.9 now!

Your right northy the diabetic fairy is well and truly waving her wand 4.9 :confused:

The chicken was good, just a little nibble - gave me bad belly ache as I suspected it would ! That will teach me.

Good night all x
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