I did it!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Today I have been dreading. I promised my husband and son I would attempt to do a 5k run with them and see how far I got before I had to stop.

I am running the race for life next year, motivated by and in dedication to the strength my SIL has shown along with many others in coping with a double mastectomy and still having to undergo more chemo. Watching her be so strong whilst losing her beautiful hair and for coping with the pain so brilliantly has totally inspired me to help the charity.

So I woke today feeling extremely nervous and sick (and this was only a practice!) but off I set.

I am delighted to say I completed the full 5k (walking less than 20% of the course) and finished in 39 minutes.

I cannot tell you the euphoria that swept over me. I actually burst into tears. I now know in May next year I will definitely finish the race and can now start thinking of a target time.

I was so unhealthy in June when diagnosed, I couldn't walk far and ate terribly. I now am 47 lbs lighter and have just completed this run.

I am not ashamed to say I burst into tears at the end and got the biggest hug from both husband and son - even they were quite emotional for me!

I would like to say to them on here - thanks my guys for making it happen - love you both so much!

Now I must go and stretch!
Well done Lucy ! You have every right to be proud of yourself.
That's brill Lucy! Many congratulations xxx
Thanks so much everyone. Did anyone else feel emotional after their first one - flipping between tears and smiles! So pleased with self, Sorry if I am going on.
Well done Lucy,

You are very inspiring, reading your huge achievements is such a short space of time, just think where you will be by next June!
Thanks Tracey. I am hoping to be at my goal by then - and living a much healthier life.
Thanks Tracey. I am hoping to be at my goal by then - and living a much healthier life.

I'm expecting a good showing from you in London 2012 😉 Can we declare ourselves a sovereign state and enter a team, do you think? 🙂
eeeer...let me think a second Alan....eeer...nope need a bit longer to think.

I have just realised 5k is only 1/8th of what you run isn't it?
Does it get easier...and do you find the first mile the hardest on the breathing?
The only thing that i could feel after was how heavy my legs were (thighs) but son assures me that when I lose a little more weight that will get easier - do you agree?
eeeer...let me think a second Alan....eeer...nope need a bit longer to think.

I have just realised 5k is only 1/8th of what you run isn't it?
Does it get easier...and do you find the first mile the hardest on the breathing?
The only thing that i could feel after was how heavy my legs were (thighs) but son assures me that when I lose a little more weight that will get easier - do you agree?

A full marathon is 42.2k, half marathon 21.1k and a 10 miler like the GSR is 16k. The first mile is usually hardest (and the last, often!) as you are going from rest to getting your heart rate up and your muscles warmed up. I usually find that once I can run 3 miles (5k) comfortably then the next 5 miles come a lot more easily. The heavy legs might be due to lactic acid build up and this should improve as you get fitter and lighter. 🙂
Great - thanks for that Alan - very interesting.
I have noticed there are a few runners on here - maybe you should start a runners thread where useful tips and achievements can be posted - this would help newbie runners like ,me!
WOW Lucy well done - what an achievement :D :D
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