I climbed on my bike to lose 33lb - and put my diabetes into reverse

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I wasn?t really fat. At least, I didn?t look fat when I was dressed. A waistcoat smooths the slope down the front and covers the belt and its betrayals. Then people don?t notice.
I could tell I was fat when I took my clothes off and stood in front of a mirror but I persuaded myself this wasn?t a problem. My fat was all in the one place, like a parcel strapped at my waist.
And it all seemed quite firm, too ? easy to suppose that it might be just the natural endowment of the older man. From a certain angle, it added dignity and authority.

My confidence that my bulk was within the normal range for my age was ended by a single word: diabetes.
It is not such a scary word now as it was when I first heard it applied to the state of my blood and organs and the prospects of my facing an untroubled old age.

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