i bought a meter in boots today

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
as some of you mite know i joined the forum on friday after being digonozed that morning. im not due to see the nurse until tursday but ive ask a few questions on here an the support an advice has been great. one of the things i ask was should i check my levels through the day so i bought myself one today, i got it from boots its a boots own brand which only cost me just over a fiver. got it all put together an read the instuctions an then sat for about 10mins trying to do the thumb prick, was afraid incase it hurt lol im such a wimp, eventuly my hubby did it for me an it didnt hurt (well just abit) i did my levels about 2hrs after i had lunch which was a ham roll and a coffee an a cream egg about 11 this morning woops. well my reading was 13.1 i know this isnt good an im hoping i did the test proberly. my levels last week at clinic while fasting were 9.1 an 10.4. i dont know weather to check it again tomorrow through out the day or just wait untill i see the nurse. sorry for the long story x
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My finger pricker has a wheel that sets the length of the needle, 1 being the smallest and 4 being the longest. I have it set to 1, and yes, it hurts. Sorry about that. If I'd had that lunch, especially the creme egg I'd have been much higher than 13. That was very naughty of you.😱

I don't think you're doing it wrong from what you say.
hi alison, yeah the one i bought also has the wee wheel so i set it at 1.
i know the gream egg was very naughty of me but im sort of trying to pretend at the moment that nothings wrong, an doing everything i was doing until i go see the nurse on friday then my lifesyle will realy have to change. one of the worst things i do is eat nothing in the mornings or have coffe an bikkies then eat next to nothing until evening. i think now thats why ive always been feeling unfeel most of the time. when i see the nurse on friday i know i will defently have to change an it realy scares me.
i did my levels about 2hrs after i had lunch which was a ham roll and a coffee an a cream egg about 11 this morning whoops. well my reading was 13.1 i know this isn't good an I'm hoping i did the test properly

Tracey now you know, no more cream eggs 😛 Try having the same for lunch tomorrow, but without the cream egg. Then test your levels again. Test before and after meals, so you can see how much your BG levels rise.
Try to keep a record all week if possible. Morning fasting, before and 2 hrs after meals.
Remember to write down your levels and what you have eaten. See if a pattern emerges.
I hate this time of year, all those Easter eggs just calling your name as you pass them in the shops 😱
thanks chris, i will give that a try tomorrow without the cream egg, if it hadnt have been in the house i wouldnt even have thought about it, but it was just there calling me. chocolate is my downfall, and chinise take aways. are you able to eat any of this stuff ever again?
thanks chris, i will give that a try tomorrow without the cream egg, if it hadnt have been in the house i wouldnt even have thought about it, but it was just there calling me. chocolate is my downfall, and chinise take aways. are you able to eat any of this stuff ever again?

yes hun but in moderation xxx
For the first few weeks after diagnosis I was testing up to 8 times a day. Usually before eating and 1 and/or 2 hours after meals so I could find out what foods did to me. I usually have oatmeal for breakfast, with semi-skimmed milk, salt and pepper (No sugar for me) because it's slow release energy and keeps me going till lunch which is when I have my main meal of the day. Usually I'll have a snack at tea time rather than a big meal. I've cut way down on things like bread, pasta, rice and spuds and only have wholemeal or wholegrain bread and pasta when I do indulge. No chocolate, no fizzy drinks (diet or otherwise). No butter or cream (sigh). I eat a good few berry type fruits, strawbs, rasps and blackberries and sometimes pineapple. If I absolutely have to sweeten something I'll use a little honey or unrefined sugar as I can't stand sweeteners.
chocolate is my downfall, and chinise take aways. are you able to eat any of this stuff ever again?

I so miss chocolate 😡 but I do allow myself one small bar of Galaxy a week, my weekend treat :D
I like Chinese takeaways too, only once a week though. I hold back on the rice, I only have a few spoonfulls.
I find that shumai's are good and salt and pepper ribs, no sweet sauce on them.
I still get cravings and I have only cut down on my carbs for 4 weeks. But the positive side is, I have lost 6lbs :D now whether that is my new meds (sitagliptin) or cutting back on carbs, I don't know. Maybe a combination of the two, but I am happy to be losing weight 😎
Plus my morning fasting levels have come down from 7.8 to 5.5 I've also been testing through out the day and getting good results.
I should say that this diet is working on the whole for me, but everyone's different and you need to try things for yourself.
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