I am such a stupid girl!!

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Deciced today would be the day i did not eat and then take myself off to get the weekly shop in, well it culminated in me walking back home with the shopping up a small hill and dropping all the bags and collapsing on some wall,I burst into tears and a passer by stopped to help, was telling him ring my bf ring my bf, i cant darling he says i dont have his number,told him where my mobile was and he rang my OH. i was so relieved to see him walking down to come and get me..moral of the story dont go all morning without eating.. it has taught me the lesson the hard way..Got it to check my bloods and there 4.3 so hardly surprising when i have had no food in me..Ive now scoffed my way through a chicken and lettuce sarny and feel ok.
Steffie its horrid when that happens. Thankgoodness for the kindness of a stranger. Hope you feel better now
Take care
Ah bless Steffie, hope you doin ok now hun, take it easy, love an hugs, Shirl x
That must of been scary for you...............and unexpected.........

I bet the sandwich went down quick...............take care.....🙂
You naughty wotsit!! Don't miss meals! 😡

Glad to hear you got back safe and sound with your OH (good chap!).

Andy 🙂
Glad it's OK now. Also, a rucksack tends not to fall off, so that's what I use for shopping, whether on foot / bike / car / bus.
Glad it's OK now. Also, a rucksack tends not to fall off, so that's what I use for shopping, whether on foot / bike / car / bus.

Yes, I'm a rucksack kinda guy too. Extremely helpful being able to keep both hands on the cycle's handlebars!

Andy 🙂
Hope you are much better now. Liked the stranger's response to your request for him to ring your boyfriend!!!
It's a bad habit I have too sometimes, especially when I'm busy, I forget to eat. I now have a reminder on my moby for that too!* I will be s-o-o-o up the creek without a paddle if anything happens to my phone.

* Along with what pills to take when and the seemingly endless list of appointments for this, that and the other.
That must have been horrible for you Steffie, glad you are feeling better now. 🙂
Thanks everyone , yeah he was a nice young chap marg which surprised me as id of expected him to rob my mobile if im honest.Good idea about the mobile reminder Ali thanks..Ty Casey,shirl gail,andy and copepod also, dont worry i usually do the damage to myself before i realise lesson learnt x
Have you got your OH on speed dial?

Glad you're feeling better

Have you got your OH on speed dial?

Glad you're feeling better


Yeah i have along with the local kebab shop ha im only joking, but yeah i just told him what to do and he kinda got there preety quick
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