I am returned after a bit of a shock.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
As if a high hba1c in the 80s wasn’t shock enough, we discovered this week that we have somehow () managed to fall pregnant again. This was not a planned pregnancy and therefore no preparation of any sort has taken place. No folic acid, hba1c very high, weight up…talk about panic stations.

I’m ridiculously anxious. I have posted in the pregnancy section but in short I’ve already had a scan to confirm viable pregnancy. Measuring 5 and a half weeks woth a visible heartbeat. I’m not back on insulin (insulatard slow release overnight and starting novorapid next week properly too) in addition to the metformin. I’m also using the libre now which is so much better than relying on finger pricks. The maternity unit have found it a success with many pregnant women so glad it’s been rolled out to me. I’ve been prescribed high dose folic acid by the GP the day we found out (Tuesday) and I have a wealth of appointments coming up.

I’m just so scared we will have another Lumi on our hands and I’m just waiting for bad news. Not sure with my situation that we can even carry safely to term.

I’m back on the low carb diet from the second we found out.

I hope to keep you all updated with positive news over coming months.

In other news, Eris is now 2 (would you believe it) and she’s an absolute fire cracker. Such a clever poppet and always on the go! Some Eris spam for you because I know some of you love it…and a little tiny bean scan pic.

Wow! Many congratulations and the very best of luck. Yes, you haven't had the ideal start but you are on it now and have the knowledge and tools to help you get on track. Think positive. maybe this is the jolt you needed to get your act together since you sere struggling to do it for yourself, we all know you can do it for the baby because Eris is proof of that. Loving the photos, especially the ones with the purple wellies and the hose. She is growing up so very quickly and I am sure she will love having a baby brother or sister.
Wishing you all the luck in the world and look forward with fingers crossed to following your journey again. Sending (((HUGS))) and positive vibes your way!
Congratulations, you’ve got this. Eris is a little cutie. Good luck, you’ve got the tools and a good team behind you, all my best wishes.
So lovely to see you back again @merrymunky and to hesr your lovely news - though Incan understand how much of a shock it must have been

Thanks for sharing those pics too. What a cutie! And will make a wonderful big sister I’m sure 🙂
As if a high hba1c in the 80s wasn’t shock enough, we discovered this week that we have somehow () managed to fall pregnant again. This was not a planned pregnancy and therefore no preparation of any sort has taken place. No folic acid, hba1c very high, weight up…talk about panic stations.

I’m ridiculously anxious. I have posted in the pregnancy section but in short I’ve already had a scan to confirm viable pregnancy. Measuring 5 and a half weeks woth a visible heartbeat. I’m not back on insulin (insulatard slow release overnight and starting novorapid next week properly too) in addition to the metformin. I’m also using the libre now which is so much better than relying on finger pricks. The maternity unit have found it a success with many pregnant women so glad it’s been rolled out to me. I’ve been prescribed high dose folic acid by the GP the day we found out (Tuesday) and I have a wealth of appointments coming up.

I’m just so scared we will have another Lumi on our hands and I’m just waiting for bad news. Not sure with my situation that we can even carry safely to term.

I’m back on the low carb diet from the second we found out.

I hope to keep you all updated with positive news over coming months.

In other news, Eris is now 2 (would you believe it) and she’s an absolute fire cracker. Such a clever poppet and always on the go! Some Eris spam for you because I know some of you love it…and a little tiny bean scan pic.

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Lovely to see those pictures.She is adorable. Funnily enough i was thinking of you a few days ago and wondering how you were getting on. Now I know. Best of luck.
What a little cracker - and hasn't she got what can only be described as a 'determined little face!' Saw Mrs Next Door's latest this morning - haven't set eyes on her literally since they brought her home from hospital and she's now 6 months - she's a little cracker too. I'm overdosing on babies today!
What a little cracker - and hasn't she got what can only be described as a 'determined little face!' Saw Mrs Next Door's latest this morning - haven't set eyes on her literally since they brought her home from hospital and she's now 6 months - she's a little cracker too. I'm overdosing on babies today!
Oh she definitely has a feisty side. She is such a character. She can be so serious but then ridiculously cheeky and silly too. She has a very sweet voice and talks non stop. At the moment she’s utterly obsessed with ducks. She also likes dinosaurs, snuggling up under a blanket, books, music. She’s just great!
Libre readings today. Already better than they were on Friday but then I did go out for a filthy birthday meal.

I’ve also dropped a bit of weight over the last week. Trying to stay positive about this situation.


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As the others have sad, Eris is a real cutie. Reminds me of when my kids were young. It's a great age!

When I met my wife, she had been sterilised. Funnily enough it failed and she got pregnant which came as quite the surprise! A nice one though. Our daughter is now 20 and fled the nest. I read that female sterilisation is 99.999% effective but not for us lol.

Oh well, that's life. You can plan all you like but these surprises like to pop up every now and then.


I just had another thought on this. I was on holiday with my kids and we spoke on the phone and told me she had a craving for spag bol. Then she explained what that means... 😱
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